Kids explain how air pollution harms our lungs: Mini Munich The - TopicsExpress



Kids explain how air pollution harms our lungs: Mini Munich The latest results on lung damage in children exposed to air pollution are worrisome. A preliminary analysis of a six-year study done in the United Kingdom indicates that children exposed to nitrogen dioxide and particulate matters have slower lung growth. Particulate Matters (PM) are tiny toxic particles that enter our body when we breath. In numbers, a child could lose as much as 165 milligrams of lung volume under high-level exposure to nitrogen dioxide, a common PM in cities. As a measure to raise awareness about the urgent necessity to better regulate pollution levels especially in urban areas, the European Respiratory Society (ERS) organized an educational workshop for more than 2,000 children in the city of Munich, ahead of the 2014 ERS Congress. The outcome is a fantastic video, done by the kids, explaining how air pollution harms our lungs and showing how the future generations see our planet in 100 years. The video feeds into the Healthy Lungs for Life campaign led by the European Lung Foundation: For more information on the study mentioned above, please visit: If you are interested in knowing more about air pollution, please visit:
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 08:00:01 +0000

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