will be launching a White House Petition July 15, - TopicsExpress

   will be launching a White House Petition July 15, 2014 on the ‘We the People’ petition website. This petition site was set up by President Obama so that he could hear from the people and address issues that our country feels are important. We need to get 100,000 signatures on our petition in 30 days (July 15 - August 13). Our petition will ask the White House to help us get technology added to ALL vehicles or car seats so children are not left alone in vehicles. The only way we can be assured that we will receive a response from the White House is by getting those 100,000 signatures on the petition in 30 days. The auto industry already recognizes were human and not perfect. If you leave your keys in the ignition, you get a warning. If your gas is low, you get a warning. If you dont buckle your seatbelt or leave your headlights on, you get a warning. So the question remains; ‘What is more important… not having a dead car battery or a dead baby? Yes, this is harsh, but the reality of these unthinkable tragedies is far worse. We continue to do our best to educate the public about the dangers children face if left alone in a vehicle. Technology is desperately needed to help stop these predictable and preventable tragedies. The truth is, you cannot educate a brain/memory to not fail. We sincerely hope that we can count on you to join us in this incredibly important life-saving effort. It is CRITICAL that the American people come together to show our government how deeply we care for the safety of our children. These tragedies HAVE TO STOP and we cannot do it alone. Can we count on you?
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 04:19:07 +0000

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