Kiki Russell writes about her difficult and triumphant vaginal - TopicsExpress


Kiki Russell writes about her difficult and triumphant vaginal birth after two cesareans (VBA2C) : My delivery on 11/1/14 with the MCV midwives was an incredible experience. The team that worked with us not only trusted me and my baby but trusted that my body would do what it needed to do. My first two pregnancies ended up in cesareans at another hospital so being able to VBA2C was a huge deal to me. When I found out I was pregnant, I knew I was going to use the midwives this time around. I immediately hired a doula, Emily Bruno, whom my husband and I both agree we couldnt have done this without. After weeks of prodromal labor, I started having different contractions around 9pm on Halloween. I let them ride for a few hours before I called anyone. My doula was already with another client, so I called her backup, Jenny, and Kathryn, the midwife who was on call that night. They told me to go in when I felt I was ready. I waited until about 4am and I just knew when I was ready to go. I had been told my entire pregnancy that if it wasnt the worst car ride of my life that it wasnt time yet. It was without a doubt. I arrived at the hospital dilated to a 7. I got in the tub immediately and stayed in for about 2 hours. I got out around 7am and almost immediately it was time to push. While I was in the tub, Emily had arrived. So I had my husband, Jenny, Emily, Kathryn and Naomi (student midwife) in the room with me as well as the great L&D nurse Karen. They broke my water when I was 9cm on the birthing stool. The entire time I had been at the hospital laboring, it had been challenging to keep the baby on the monitor. As I was VBA2C, I was required to have continuous fetal monitoring. Around the time my water was broken, an internal fetal monitor was placed because there was concern about the baby’s heart rate. I pushed for a little bit longer, but was then told I would need a c/s as babys heart rate was too low. Along the way I continued to push and his heart rate came back up. As I was in the OR by this point, forceps delivery was then the option. I continued to push with my contractions (and the surgical team let me do it on my terms!!) and I pushed my 8lb 4oz son out of my vagina without forceps. I did what my body knew how to do! Because of my 2 previous deliveries being c/s, I ended up with a complication of retained placenta. I required a D&C to remove the placenta from my uterine scar, 2 blood transfusions from the hemorrhaging and an additional day in the hospital. A week later I was diagnosed with endometritis (an infection of the uterus from the D&C) complete with a temp of 102, chills, pain and another 3 day hospital stay. These complications make me appreciate my VBA2C even more because they could have been prevented if I hadnt had the 2 c/s to begin with. I am so proud and I know I could not have had my amazing delivery anywhere else! Thank you MCV midwives, surgical team and nurses. They went above and beyond to make sure I didnt end up with another c/s. I appreciate all the hard work and encouragement that every one of the midwives and members of my birth team gave me. They believed in me and gave me the tools I needed to have a vaginal delivery. (VCUMC CNM Kathryn Beaton. MD Nicole Fanning)
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 05:20:43 +0000

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