Kill us Israel . We deserve it. With 1.4 billion muslims we - TopicsExpress


Kill us Israel . We deserve it. With 1.4 billion muslims we deserve to be destroyed by israel who constitute far less than 1% of our population. We are begging for help from world. What is that world? This world has 57+ muslim majority countries who give nothing to world except oil & jihalat. We love to sleep and keep dreaming our glorious past, please dont wake up us. We want to see in dreams how great we were in past, how much advancement we made in various fields, how Salahuddin Ayubi defended our honor.. please dont wake up us. We are overloaded with emotional slogans.... Allah will help us, Allah will destroy zalim, Fact is Allah is destroying US only, fact is Zalim are having upper hand. They are humiliating us, making us beg, cry, weep. Why you complain against the media? Why they should report truth? Why BBC, CNN, Reuters, FOX TV etc will report against their master Israel? When it was time for progress, advancement, technology, military power, media power,. then we were busy in declaring fellow muslims+all non-muslims as kafir and destined to hell; we were busy in debating how much should be length of beard. When power of media was increasingly felt then we were busy declaring photography / videography to be haraam. We are clear that Piety / taqwa is directly proportional to length of beard & inversely proportional to length of trouser. To defeat israel you need to just pray 2 rakah and suddenly angels will fight Zionists, you should eat dates in the way prescribed by Sunnah and you will get sawab of 160 martyrs. (Please believe me- someone sent me in WatsApp video about dates last week.) Yes i know - hizbullah (The Lebanese resistance org) has defeated isarel twice in past 24 years but we condemn hizbullah because they are Shia. We support ISIS bcz they kill fellow Shia but cant dare to speak anything against Israel. Why we will cry over lack of courage from 57+ muslim countries.. they are divine nation, representatives of God. If you speak anything against Saudi then be sure that you are deviated muslim. Allah has promised those among you who believe and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the land, as He granted it to those before them,... Quran 24:55 Yes i know that we are not successor today on earth.. its US, West, israel that has occupied this space. But we should not run behind wordily achievements, worldly powers, we should pray for poverty, we should lead life of a weak, destitute, we should shun worldly progress. yesterday only imam of my mosque said - What you will do with education? (Nothing) We will beg for help, cry, weep, demonstrate.. but we will not return back to Quran which urges us to practice DEEN, which urges us to gain power by using world resources, which urges us to defend week and do justice, which urges us to excel in the world and akhrat. We will keep on sticking to MAZHAB, but we will not go back to DEEN. kill us Israel - we deserve it. This is for self-realisation and show Oursevles a mirror afterall We forgot the essence of the spirit of Sir.Dr.Allama Muhammad Iqbals Qaul Khudi ko kar Buland itna ke Har taqdeer se pehle,Khuda Bande se Khud poochey bata Teri Raza kya hai???
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 10:30:21 +0000

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