Killing Death Season 2 Episode 5 By Tedtheplaymaker I ran - TopicsExpress


Killing Death Season 2 Episode 5 By Tedtheplaymaker I ran out of the room to the reception Who dropped the package? I asked the receptionist And Good Morning to you too Mr No respect She replied Ah Africans, What is it with greeting that yall take seriously? I apologize maam but I need to know who dropped the package Some lady, She says to tell you Its Goren...Oh! And She says you should watch the news today She said resuming to her bubble gum devouring Goren? Shes back already? I know youre not asking me that question oh.. Hmm! the receptionist cut in One look at her and I didnt need to walk in her mind to see the kind of person She was... I walked away from her and to my room... the lady She mentioned.. Goren, Well lets just say after I released her from my bond I didnt tell you guys the entire story but still Papaas finger from Goren Isnt a joke Now I had to also watch the news tonight We arent leaving just yet Chamuel Because of the finger and the letter? Sorry I read it Its Okay Chamuel, its not because of the finger either, I have to watch the news by 9pm tonight I replied trying to shield the information from him Its your fathers Isnt it? he shot back Uhmm! The news? No..My father Isnt in the... With each passing hour I regain most of my abilities he said, spreading his wings One of them had turned golden, the sign that he was becoming an Archangel again So Id rather you told me the truth from here on out Mephistopheles because youre rather terrible at lying he continued You sound just like Papaa, and Yes its his finger Zamenhof has him? he queried Yes,hes had him for days now Id never have thought Zamenhof would seek to wipe out my descendants, I mean I know what we Did was wrong but Id at least expected Zamenhof to hesitate a bit and not go extreme measures to bring me back... Well, Chamuel Im guessing he knows Im alive, because If Id killed you Id have seized to exist, So hes quite sure than Im... Not entirely true Meph, See! After Zerrubabel took the tough decisions his line seized to exist, it however didnt mean they vanished, theyd lost all their abilities and became entirely human, marrying the descendants of Cain, thus came Tubal Cain and his own descendants... Killing me would make you human, it sadly also means that Zamenhof doesnt care whether youre Ersedevlin or Human, hes after your head either way Chamuel replied So youre saying If I show up without you and pretend like Im human... With Zamenhof theres no pretence... Hed smell you a mile away, however I do know a way to make you human I think Chamuel replied cutting me off Suddenly my brilliance seemed infinitesimally negligible, Chamuel knew everything. How do you intend to do that? I asked Wed have to head to the library, I know there are a lot of excerpts of the Holy scrolls there... Bible I mean, according to your time Its too risky, besides we can download the Bible on this device I showed him my tablet as I said The spell requires we burn that page of the scroll, can you get the page out of that thing? he asked Would you like King James Version or New Amplified Bible? I replied his question with a question Who is King James? Jesus can you not.. Oh youd died before..Yeah! I got the Bible from a near by store ,and braced to hear a few unfamiliar words when he started And the Creator said.. Let us make man in our own image Then he shut the Bible Thats it? I said, looking at him without the assurance of his spells potency Yes! You are made to be human, get me one of your feathers he commanded Whoa! Feather? Aint nobody said nothing about feathers, I aint ever tried to... Spread your wings, Son of Chamuel Chamuel commanded again I gazed in his eyes as I spread my wings, theyd turned white... If the spell wasnt working on me it definitely was working on him Now, when I spread my wings, picture a feather of it on your palms he said after hed collected one of mine I looked at his beautiful golden wings when he spread them and pictured the beauty of it on my palm.. I wanted it And it came! I handed it to him and I heard the spell I expected to hear Il sealoh teh lugo Il muno vim idune clogok The wings came together mid air, So Did Genesis 1 Burn them he said I lit up my eyes to gray and set it on hadnt burnt properly..I tried sending another bolt... it failed! No puedes! (YOU CANT ) Chamuel said I couldnt understand what he said, then he continued Youve lost your abilities, you cant speak nor hear Angelik anymore he said to me then continued Now its time to wait for the news @ 9pm..and remember the spell only lasts a day... you are to find your father before then We sat quietly in the room waiting for a 9pm that never seemed to arrive.. occasionally wishing I had my powers to go into his head and see what he was thinking So your mother is a Reaper? he asked Yes, works for Death, never saw her and I.. Your father a Nephilim he said cutting me off A couple hours ago I almost roasted your sorry Angelic figure and youve got the guts to... If youd roasted me, your life as you know it would have been finished Chamuel said in response to my thoughts No No I wasnt thi... I started out trying to lie about it when he cut me off again Its time! I looked up.. 9pm We waited for the news, For a Nigerian news it seemed to have more information of the outside world than it had of Nigeria... then came the news wed been waiting for! People protesting on the streets of Lagos... Both our eyes remained vigilante on the screen then we found it! Papaa was been held in an alley in Mushin...In the protest clip, Goren had waved at the camera and pointed to a street.... Goren was my spy! Now let me tell you what happened that night in the room When a Veiler is bound, theres a saying that whoever unbinds a viewer and frees it makes it a master of its decisions... I knew Zamenhof had a spy on me, I knew it wasnt Goren, She wasnt in the plane when the Succubus attacked, She wasnt there till the airport, She was sent by Zamenhof.. I set her free and begged of her only two things ********************­***** Who is Zamenhofs spy ? I asked You do know Im no longer entitled to ... Ashley.. Goren, I lost family, Im not sure who to trust anymore, all Im asking is that you can help me find my father, thats all I ask And what would you do when you find him? Barge in there and fight Zamenhof alone? Goren, I dont...I.... I have to find my father, I cant loss another family to Zamenhof Im sorry Meph, you just dont get it, Zamenhof Isnt joking with you any more.. Manuel was his first student and really dear to him...After you clipped him and left him for death, Zamenhof swore to clip your father piece by piece I didnt touch him Goren, I defended myself, I didnt... I.. It wasnt me, it... I... it was Saniel and Wiggles,they.. It doesnt matter to him Meph, he sent his friend winged and you sent him back without Goren! Help me.. I begged What do you want from Me? Two things! I replied First I need you to go to my home... tell Aunt Geneva and Henna that Im sorry.. tell em I need em now please Goren please I can do that She said then continued And the other thing? Be a friend for life and you can start by answering me this.... Who is Zamenhofs spy? I asked She looked long and hard at me, as If carefully considering my second request, like it was a matter of life and Death I tried going into her mind You wont get it that way Meph, stay outta my head Look at me Goren, Dont you understand? Im the Good guy here.. please help me How are you so sure? Its the same thing Zamenhof said,.. says hes doing the Makers job Ha! If the Maker needed a janitor,it wouldnt be Zamenhof...Please Goren work with me I waited as She scanned me, half assuming I wouldnt believe her I cant tell you.. She started shattering my hopes then continued ...I would show you She let me go in, I saw it all It was..... Dalian! Season 2 Episode 6 coming up Target: 15 Likes (y)
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:51:32 +0000

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