Killing Devolution Will Make Uhuru A One Term President! June 13, - TopicsExpress


Killing Devolution Will Make Uhuru A One Term President! June 13, 2013 |Posted in: Opinion By Mwashighadi Mwananga The thought that Uhuru Kenyatta can suffocate devolved governments and move on, is a day dream; because it will be the yardstick for re-election. His attempts to undermine devotion will be costly because it may just be the single reason to send him and his restless deputy into political oblivion. Devolution, to many Kenyans, was the answer to years of ‘mafianization’ of the unitary government from Kiambu (Kenyatta), Kabartonjo (Moi), Nyeri (Kibaki) and now back to Kiambu (Kenyatta II). However, marginalized communities invested so much on devolution that making Uhuru a one term president is inevitable. If anything, he is the most unpopular president Kenya has ever got since independence. Sometimes, Uhuru acts as if he is a ‘visiting’ president of another African country; he fails to remember he is here to stay. The next election will be another contest on the irrationality of the central government. It will be based on bitter political testimonies by county leaders who saw devolution been suffocated by the central government. It will be a contest to salvage the very reasons why the 2010 referendum was unanimous on its rejection of the old order; despite the fact that this government is composed of people who were stuck in that order but ‘advertised’ themselves as ‘digital’ equipments of the new order. The next election may very well have been lost by this jubilee government. Their attempt to sabotage, disgrace, put down, humble, and debase devolution, if they succeed, is the rope on which they have hanged themselves. Uhuru Kenyatta, if he is not salvaged by marshalling another tribal bloc vote, will be a one term president. How happy I am! Lessons are everywhere. Kenyans have shown they do not take lightly leaders who insult the collective sense of the people. The Jubilee government should learn from the previous personalities who brought doubt to the institutions of great expectations by Kenyans; the ECK, IEBC, Supreme Court etc. People of this country will not be intimidated to put into their place any politician who tries to derail the development of this country through the county governments. A Tyrant is a leader who rejects ideas and we all know the most expensive and importance asset that keeps this world moving is ideas. If the president is to succeed, he should sit with every county and listen to what ails them and give his support, this will write his legacy. But has he not squandered his chance?
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 12:52:49 +0000

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