Kim Peters Lutz and I have been parents of pitchers in baseball - TopicsExpress


Kim Peters Lutz and I have been parents of pitchers in baseball for thirteen years between our oldest son Matt Lutz and our youngest Zach. Every time they go out there we are excited but very nervous, if your kid pitches you know what I mean. With every pitch we live and die with them, thats not a hoping they strike out every kid thing its more of getting off the mound in one piece thing. These hitters are bigger and stronger the older they get, goes the same for when our kids are batters and pitchers throw harder. Last night was one of those scary moments for us. Zach was pitching vs a pretty loaded lineup of some young men going D1 but was up for the challenge by his coach. As you throw a fastball the ball comes back off the bat with more velocity . Last night Zach delivered a fastball and one of those scary moments happened, it came right back at him. You could hear the impact it had from down the left field line, thank God it only hit his bare hand. I say thank God because it couldve been so much worse. His hand swelled up pretty bad we thought he had broken his hand, wrist we werent sure but he was in pain and shock. Cant say enough about the help and concern from Zachs coach Todd Lawlor, the Elite coach and an Elite team Mom who ran to get ice for us. We went to Christ hospital and got X-rays , very nice people there. On the ride over as Zach still seemed in shock from it all and had lost some skin color he said thank God it didnt hit him in the head, again we wake up blessed , couldve been much worse . Kim and I were just saying this morning that as much as we love watching our boys play we make sure one of us is always there just in case, like last night. As far as we know right now its a broken ring finger on his right hand, in a splint for now, ortho meeting this week. Our son Matt had baseball seam marks on his shoulder from a line drive back at him a few years ago. Its a scary position the ball jumps off the bat so quick. We are blessed that today we wake up to a broken finger today, still not ideal but couldve been so much worse.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 14:47:22 +0000

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