Kim StanleyHeart & Soul of SBC Feel free to use if you like - TopicsExpress


Kim StanleyHeart & Soul of SBC Feel free to use if you like Well this is me before skinnyfiber i weighed over 200 pounds and due to Pcos and severe anxiety my weight wouldnt budge. My husband and i had tried for 13 years to have another baby with no luck and told by the doctor due to my Pcos we would never conceive because no matter what i did the weight wouldnt come off. I had multiple cysts and had almost given up until i saw a post about skinnyfiber. I decided what the heck cant hurt to try and its rare to find something that wont affect my anxiety full of caffeine etc. I had my doctor look into it and said go for it the ingredients are great. The first month i almost gave up because i couldnt see the scales moving and got discouraged, people kept saying your losing weight you look good but i didnt see it and decided to do my side by side pics and WOW i now see why they push before and after pics lol. Believe me fatloss is way better than weight loss!!! By 8 weeks my clothes were all to big and all i was doing was walking a couple days a week and taking skinnyfiber. Now fast forward 5 months later i reached my goal weight, my cysts were gone and my health was great!!! I successfully kept the weight off and now pregnant after being told it would never happen!! Skinnyfiber gave me my life back and a new life growing inside too...Blessed beyond belief. ORDER YOURS HERE>> SPECIALS!! Buy 2 get 1 FREE!! or even better, Buy 3 get 3 FREE!! positiveskinny0418.SBC90DayChallenge/?SOURCE=LooseWeight ✿*゚゚・✿ (✿◠‿◠) *✿✿*゚゚✿ BELIEVE IN YOURSELF This is what happens to your body when you take SKINNY FIBER!!! Give it time and be consistent. We have a 30 day money back guarantee. Take it as directed. Your body will transform right before your eyes. You too can have your own weight loss testimony. 30 day empty bottle money back guarantee. All Natural. No chemicals. No Jitter feeling. No joke. Join My Group....>>>facebook/groups/positiveskinny
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 03:25:05 +0000

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