Kim most of the time my foot is like buzzing bees, like a tingling - TopicsExpress


Kim most of the time my foot is like buzzing bees, like a tingling numbness. And my heel on the botttom when I walk feels either like I am stepping on a rock or a jumping jack. All around the front where the ankle joins the foot is like it is cut off and hard to lift my foot. The more walking the worse it gets. The muscles cramp a lot because of the tendon and ligament damage and affects the tendons and ligaments at the other end of the ankle attached to the knee. I get achy pains all up and down the outside of my lower leg from ankle to about three quarters of the way to my knee. The knee itself sometimes pops out and causes pain or aches especially going up or down hill. The muscle in my thigh is weak because of the operation to my knee. Then I have peroneal nerve damage (main nerve going down leg to foot) and that causes pain and foot drop. I also get knobs of pain that come and go in the calf of my leg. That is an after effect from the blood clots all up and down the calf of my leg. So really I should not be walking at all as it is the only relief from the pain I get. Even that is not enough sometimes. So I sit here at the computer wishing I had a real life and suffer in misery because of these and all the other injuries Algoma Central Railway gave me. My reputation ruined, slandered, called every name in the book. And cannot get justice. Totally ruined. 34 yerars of severe pain and suffering. Tortured. All covered with a smilel and a joke. And I leave you with one. I call myself SuperNewf1. Why? Stops a speeding train. Because of that the other men never got maimed for life or killed. I never got a thank you card or a get well card even from any of them. They didnt have to thank me of course because I was tumbled by that train like clothes in a washer. Unconscious once after my head hit the track, then again by the second car derailing after crushing my ankle then falling on top of me. That is after the first one slammed into me and dragged me and twisted me and almost pulled me in half, paralyzing me down the right side of my back with a large scar all the way across my middle back. Three herniated disks pinching my lowr back and shooting pain across my buttocks and down the back of my leg. Then the migraines. Lasting 4 days at first. Severe depression came with all this. And overwhelming fear. They crippled me for life and brain injured me and bullied me and intimidated me and tortured me both mentally and physically. The only time thay want to contact me is to hurt me. The only time I contact them they neglect me and tell me i have to apeal or other bullshit. I cant appeal. I was totally disabled from employment and they knew it. To make it worse my governments, the assholes that they are, help these crimnals rob me of me life and health and well being. Keeping me poor on purpose knowing I cant work any physical job. They wont give me a chance to get well and back to work. They hurt me so much. They cause my pain and suffering.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 17:45:05 +0000

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