Kimberley nominated me to write down what I was grateful for, for - TopicsExpress


Kimberley nominated me to write down what I was grateful for, for 4 days. Today is day three. So I am thankful for... 1) Quiet days. Today has not been one of those days. In fact its been very loud and boisterous and dramatic. I took all of my quiet, peaceful days for granted. But today made me realize how lucky I am to have peace and quiet most of the time. I am extremely thankful I live in a quiet place. 2) Alaska. This big beautiful state stole my heart a long time ago, and it never let go. I am so lucky to live here. Every day I just stop and breathe in and think Wow, how truly blessed am I? And things may often not be easy- Alaska is known for its not-so-easy living. But things are ALWAYS beautiful, and that is something I am eternally grateful for. 3) Scented Candles. Shout out to Ashley Peters for getting me hooked on Jewelry in Candles (seriously- order from this girl, shes amazing). The candles are HUGE so they burn for like ever. My favorite is hazelnut coffee and my house continually smells like an espresso stand. Which is so great- because without my candles, my house would smell like wet dog, ferrets, and cat litter (probably occasionally mixed in with dead fish, seal oil, and raw fur). Luckily my home smells like none of those things- thanks to candles
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 03:07:06 +0000

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