Kind of more technical ultimate formations if youre - TopicsExpress


Kind of more technical ultimate formations if youre interested. Red dots are offense; the two guys on top of the picture are handlers who look to pass to the cutters (the five guys in the line/stack) who make cuts and get open. If the stall count gets too high, the handlers can dump back and forth. The cutters can try to get open on either side of the stack, either coming in short or going long, but the cutters must move back into the stack after their cut to open up cutting space for the other cutters. This is the whole idea of the stack: to make space. A fast break occurs when the disc is moving from man to man up field quickly, and the stack will usually disperse because they are ahead of the defense and are looking to gain yardage or score. The stack will usually re-form after a stoppage of play, turnover, or a call by the handler. The defense (represented by the lines in how they are standing) are playing what is called a force. Currently, the defense is trying to force forehand because the marker (defender on the disc) is cheating inside to make the handler throw to his forehand side while the rest of the defenders are on one side of the stack to try to intercept the forehand pass. The idea is that the handler with the disc cannot throw backhand because the mark is in the way, and when the handler tries to throw the forehand, the rest of the defenders are on the side of the offense to get in the way of the pass. A force is always called according to a right-handed player (a force forehand would force a lefty to throw backhand and force a righty to throw forehand). Just as a side note, a break-mark throw (break for short) is when the handler throws against the force. For example, a right handed thrower on a force forehand throws a back hand across the field despite the mark. This can cause major disruption in the defense and leads to a good scoring chance. So yeah, thats kind of the basics behind a vertical stack, a defensive force, and some Ultimate terminology. Something good to know if you want to pick up your game, might start trying to do some of this in the pick up games, might not, well see how the team feels. Kind of tried to run the vert stack today, and tried a force defense on Tuesday, so thought Id do some splanin. Good stuff
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 04:01:59 +0000

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