Kindly join me in wishing former president Daniel Torotich Arap - TopicsExpress


Kindly join me in wishing former president Daniel Torotich Arap Moi alias Nyayo,a happy birthday. He turns 90years. Born to poverty-striken parents in 1924 somewhere in a tiny village in the Rift Valley, this gentleman,a trained primary school teacher outwitted the Mount Kenya Mafia who wanted to prevent him from ascending to power,following the death of President Jomo Kenyatta. Like his predecessor, the 1969 constitution accorded him enormous presidential powers that allowed him to do almost anything and everything he willed without any form of accountability. His critics,real or imagined,were subjected to torture,others went missing while those who were later found, their bodies were devoid of any form of living. During his 24year despotic rule, Kenya plunged into its worst economic crisis. with runaway corruption which characterized his tenure,his strategic and witty use of money as his ultimate tool of power highly contributed to the highest inflation rates this country has ever recorded. He awarded his friends quite handsomely;his enemies, he dealt with accordingly. Though his retirement from politics was probably the most shameful experience in the history of African politics, I have heard it uttered quite often that Kenyans miss him for reasons best known to them. Owing to his long stay at the house on the hill,Moi amassed just enough wealth that guarantees his entire generation a lifetime of luxury and comfort.The amount of money Moi has can drown you and your entire clan from Nairobi to the Indian ocean, hyperbole notwithstanding. Married to Lena Moi in 1950,he sired 8children with her before he divorced her in 1979,5 years after separating with her in 1974.Reason, never truly known,people still speculate. Other than June and Gideon moi,he was ashamed of his other children since they never turned out as he had expected. Theres more to this man.Although he earned himself the title professor of politics,I really cant blame him for his unfortunate ascension to power and the evils associated with it. I still believe in his philosophy of peace,love,and unity. I would lie if I told you his old age is a blessing or a form of punishment for all the atrocities he committed,but I can tell you what I believe:that leadership is divine.God grants men the opportunities and privileges to lead.But the choice to use or abuse their offices entirely lies with them. Not even history can ignore this man,but in him I have a perfect example of a leader I must never emulate. But for respects sake,and for the free milk we the 90s kids consumed courtesy of him,happy birthday!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 05:50:37 +0000

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