Kindness II: Panama City, Panama Commit Random Acts of Kindness - TopicsExpress


Kindness II: Panama City, Panama Commit Random Acts of Kindness II By Little Biscuit A couple of years ago, I found myself in Panama City, Panama scouting out retirement possibilities. When I left home, I had forgot my cane, but I wasn’t worried. I figured I would buy one when I got there. In the meantime walking around became very painful. I had checked out several farmacias in the neighborhood of my hotel, but none of them had canes. So on the third day of my stay I decided to check out a mall that was not too far from my hotel. The mall was huge, nicely laid out, and had hundreds of very nice shops. It just didn’t have any that sold canes. Eventually I found myself in a large hardware/home improvement/sporting goods store where I bought a knee brace sleeve, thinking if I can’t find a cane, the brace will help a little. I went out into the concourse and sat down at a small table in a coffee shop. I removed my shoe and pulled on the sleeve, fitting it over my right knee. I was concentrating on this when I sensed someone standing over me. I looked up, and there was a couple about my age looking at me and eating ice cream cones. The woman asked me a question in Spanish. I was in pain, bewildered, and confused. I mumbled back, “No habla, Espaniole.” She then said something to her husband. He handed her his cone, grabbed my shoe that I had set on the table, untied the laces, an kneeled down in from of me. He then held my foot in one hand and with the other he placed my foot in the shoe, pulled up the laces, and tied it. When he was finished, he retrieved his ice cream cone from his wife who said something to me. I whispered “Gracias”, and they went on their way. I sat there for a while, resting and thinking.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 17:35:59 +0000

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