King Leopold II of Belgium is exposed and Hitler’s demonized - TopicsExpress


King Leopold II of Belgium is exposed and Hitler’s demonized image is invoked to justify another lie of even greater potential consequences! I agree that this Leopold atrocity must be exposed and truth be told. However when you tell one productive and constructive truth and support it with an enormously dangerous current lie then you become part of the evil cabals that perpetuates these horrors. The Holocaust of Six Million Jews is the biggest lie of the Century and Hitler’s demonization was part of this scheme. Hitler was actually one of the biggest Heroes of our era; he showed the world how to break free of the Rothschild’s Satanic death grip of perpetual debt slavery! Dean Pavlakis adds: There is some debate over whether the Congo catastrophe qualifies as genocide, because the Congo state did not act with the intent of eliminating one or more ethnic groups.[2] However, the 1948 UN Convention on Genocide includes deliberate killings, for whatever motive, of members of an ethnic group with the intent to destroy them as such, “in whole or in part.” This suggests that the Congo Free State, in deciding to wipe out particular ethnic groups that resisted its inhuman practices, did indeed practice genocide.[8] Dean Pavlakis, Department of History, University of Buffalo I’m now concerned about the current terror the world faces with the NWO agenda and the powerful forces behind it. I am vigilant in regard to all the secretive mass manipulation of the public for private gains by small Satanic groups. I am also wondering where did this immense profiteering, on Leopold’s part fit in with the powers that existed then and have survived to the present. Though he was a Roman Catholic how did he escape or relate to the greed of the Rothschild Satanic Zionist of today? “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” The seemingly innocent name dropping of Hitler as the most evil demonic example of recent human history is a perpetuation of our Orwellian Empire of lies. While people remain caught up in false beliefs based on lies they are not free to think or act intelligently on any issue, but they are suitable for the use of those who control them! In the social order Pimps are looked down upon as a cowardly scourge of parasites that prey mostly on woman; However, I have come to see that Governments have repeatedly shown themselves to be the Biggest Pimps of all, and we the played people remain their whores. Aside from all professed systems of Government I think the proof is in the product. “The greatness of a City is not in the height of its buildings but in the character of its people.” Think about it.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 12:49:14 +0000

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