Kingdom Blessings, This may cause a little conflict but I have to - TopicsExpress


Kingdom Blessings, This may cause a little conflict but I have to say to you what the Lord has lead me to say. Lately I have heard and read a lot of comments about the reality show Preachers of L.A. and while I have never watched it myself I have heard and read some pretty wild things. However, last night the Lord said everyone is bashing them but who is praying for them. He said many asked for Pastors transparency and now that we see the truth we bash them instead of helping our brother or sister up. Not all of them were called by God, yet many of them have cried out for help yet they were overlooked because they had achieved the superstar status. What makes them different is their dirty laundry is being aired on T.V. and ours still hid under the rug. They are not the only Pastors that carry guns, has cheated on their spouses, and compromise within their church to embrace the worldly ways, but they are being scrutinized. We have forgot about being our brothers and sisters keeper. Jesus has not yet returned, there is still hope for this individuals so before casting them to hell, put your hands together and pray for them, turn down your plates and fast for them, and praise God for their deliverance. Some may say I give excuses for behavior, I am not, the actions are wrong but Jesus is right and He is alive interceding. The enemy desires to sift each of us called and chosen by God but Jesus is praying for us, so if Jesus still cares about their soul who are we to dismiss them. Prayer truly changes things. I am not saying to turn a blind eye or deaf ear, I am simply saying, lets pray for our brothers and sisters in Jesus our Lord and Savior...Prayer is power, it has not distance limitations, and truly changes things. Love you all...God Bless...Oh and remember, judge not less yea be judged by that same measure, we have no heaven or hell to place them in, so why are we condemning them there. Lift them up to God, not stump them down to hell!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 17:20:32 +0000

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