Kingdom Nuggets 40 Finding Purpose and living in it I was 30 - TopicsExpress


Kingdom Nuggets 40 Finding Purpose and living in it I was 30 years of age and I read a life changing book on purpose, personality and how that plays out in our life. It was one of the top five books I have read in my life. There was a Matthew before that book and there was a different Matthew after he read that book. I simply found myself, who I was created to be, what my personality type was and what sort of jobs in the world would give me the most personal satisfaction. I was described as person that was most happy steering people toward excelling in their gifts and talents. I was described as a gifted communicator that does very well as a teacher, public speaker or minister. I was so excited when the author described me it just resonated so deeply with me Some quotes of the book speak of my personality: “Teachers expect the very best of those around them, and their enthusiasm inspires action in others and the desire to live up to their expectations.” “In orientation they are altruistic, credulous, mystical, situated on pathways, and with their eye on tomorrow. They base their self-image on being seen as empathic, benevolent, and authentic. Often enthusiastic, they trust intuition, yearn for romance, seek identity, prize recognition, and aspire to the wisdom of the sage.” “These outgoing Mentors arrange work and social engagements ahead of time and tend to be absolutely reliable in honouring these commitments.” “In some Teachers, inspired by the responsiveness of their students or followers, this can amount to a kind of genius which other types find hard to emulate.” I picked some statements about my type of personality that had key statements that resonate with me. I am a prophet that has been called to prophesy, preach and teach with words and to teaching in writing. Today a friend of mine said I come across as a sage, and tonight I downloaded this book and it has the word in it. I have been called and am a mystical person also, and so much of what I quoted is true of me. The first step on a very successful journey with God is to know who you are created to be. In David Kersley’s book,” Please Understand Me”, that I quoted above I found out most of what I was created to be. In other research under my personality type I found a list of occupations that this person with my personality would be most happy and fulfilled in. I cannot stress how a good walk with God is found with knowing what you are here on earth to do. Knowing that I am born to teach, keeps a very good flame alive, it keeps me writing and self publishing books, and it keeps me posting status updates that I think will encourage my friends on Facebook. You can also do a spiritual gifts test on a site found on a Google search and get rated against all the spiritual gifts. Knowing your first six or seven strongest spiritual gifts can point you in the direction of what you need to be doing. The highest two gifts of mine are the gift of poverty ( willing to live on little money so all available money goes to Gods work) and the gift of giving ( the gift that makes you very happy to give money to people and to God.) With the gift of poverty I have been able to spend $8000 self publishing two books and another $2000 publishing the one that is just about to come out. A person that could not go without life’s luxuries and life’s so called fun, could not spend 30% of their income each week on God and His purposes. In the past two years since my book on the parables has been published on Amazon, 500 people have bought it and 4500 people have downloaded it for free on Kindle. Do you know if only 10% of the readers of that book do what I suggest they do, then 500 people are living their life different because of something little old me self published? As a teacher this gives me great joy and purpose in life. Currently as of writing this in June 18th 2013, I am working on four books at once. It gets me so excited to have two almost published, one I am working on every day and one I am working on every week. Can you feel my excitement? Two other spiritual gifts of mine are the gift of encouragement and the gift of prophecy. When you have a life saved and renewed by the love and grace of God and you believe in the grace teaching and the new Covenant all prophecy that you receive for individuals and churches is very encouraging so both of these gifts work closely together. I am also very observant and very quick to give a person a nice word about something they are excelling in or the way they are dressed or anything that stands out as extra special any day. After those four come the teaching gift and yet without wanting to give the book away for free ( gift of giving), and without wanting to go without to self publish ( gift of poverty), and without wanting to encourage people ( gift of encouragement) , the book of teaching would not exist today as a free book 5 days every 90 days and 99 cents on other days. ( the cheapest price you can charge for a book on kindle) My book on the parables of Jesus is worth $10.00 on Kindle and yet in order so more people would take the decision of buying it, I made the option to make only 35 cents per book. There is no use having a powerful anointed book only moving 100 copies a year at $10.00 when the same bookat 99 cents and free can move 2500 copies. Do you pick up that I am excited about my life and my future? Well get David’s book, do a personality test for the Myres Briggs personality type indicator you are and do some research into who you are. And take the time to do a spiritual gifts test. Try to stop living day to day and year to year with no direction and no life purpose. Father Inspire these people who read this to find out who they are in Christ, and what they were created to do with their life and fill their lives with joy as they pursue it. In Jesus name I ask Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 19:08:23 +0000

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