Kirk Cameron and John MacArthur on Salvation! John MacArthur - TopicsExpress


Kirk Cameron and John MacArthur on Salvation! John MacArthur says you must TURN FROM YOUR SIN TO BE SAVED! then John MacArthur takes the story of the rich young ruler out of context. He says that Jesus wanted the rich young ruler to give away all his wealth and follow him to be saved. But with Jesus, it was an issue of faith! The rich young ruler trusted in riches to save him and obedience to the law to save him, not to just simply place all your trust in Jesus to save you. Thats why the rich young ruler asked Jesus what else must i do to be saved? That is what Jesus meant and it is the same today. Simply place all your trust in Jesus to save you! People are trusting in their, turning from their sins to be saved, instead of turning to Jesus to be saved. The moment we Hear the Gospel of our Salvation and believe we are sealed with the Holy Spirit unto the Day of Redemption. Never to lose it! No turning from sin saves anyone! It is the Recognition that you are a sinner and become guilty before God, confessing that you need your sins forgiven and Trust in the shed Blood of Jesus to Save you, is what Saves us ALONE! If you trust in turning from your sins to save you, then you are trusting in your WORKS and NOT in the shed Blood of Jesus! This is called Lordship Salvation and will send you straight to HELL! There has to be a separation between being Saved and trying to get saved! The Gospel of our Salvation is NOT pick up your cross and follow me! As both John MacArthur and Kirk Cameron says it is. It is Jesus died for our sins and was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Believe that Gospel and be Eternally Saved Forever! The Pick up your cross and follow me gospel is not a gospel at all but it is what is called Discipleship. Which SHOULD come AFTER a person is already Eternally Saved Forever! Get Eternally Saved Forever FIRST, then pick up your cross and follow Jesus. But if your Gospel is pick up your cross and follow Jesus, then you are saying you must repent of all your sins and deny yourself, and endure to the end to be saved. And that is a WORKS GOSPEL that will condemn you to HELL. We love Him because He first loved us! NOTICE the name of this video. Kirk Cameron and John MacArthur on Salvation! Kirk Cameron says God wants Total and Complete Surrender and die-ing to ones self for salvation. I mean we are talking about Salvation arent we? That is the title of this video says, Kirk Cameron and John MacArthur on Salvation! Problem is i NEVER heard them talk about the free Gift to ALL men who Believe on Christ to be Saved, did you? Nor the True Gospel of our Salvation, which is this ---> > THE GOSPEL < 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV > 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have RECEIVED , and wherein ye STAND ; 2 By which also ye are SAVED , IF ye KEEP IN MEMORY what I preached unto you, unless ye have BELIEVED IN VAIN. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also RECEIVED , how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried , and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: < Rejecting the Gospel is unbelief of the Gospel. Until the Gospel is believed personally, you have no forgiveness of anything. Believe the Gospel and be forgiven of everything, Past, Present, and Future based upon Gods Imputed Righteousness! youtube/watch?v=DA4Zv8o3NbI
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 00:26:29 +0000

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