Kirk and I took the Fab Four to their 3 1/2 hour vet appointment. - TopicsExpress


Kirk and I took the Fab Four to their 3 1/2 hour vet appointment. It was a very big production and first of all I would like to thank the staff of Virginia Parkway Veterinary hospital for the excellent care these dogs are receiving. Dr. Doering is fantastic and attentive, and Donna and Tracy are the best. I can always count on these people and they came thorough today with helping the girls. The health on these girls is very bad and some of them even life threatening. Each and everyone of them have very infected ears, skin infections and yeast growing on their bodies. We won’t know if they are heart worm positive or not until tomorrow when we test them for Lymes disease as well as Ehrlichia. I will break each dog down for you one at a time. First I will start with Loretta because she is the sickest. We did blood work on her and her white blood cell count was off the charts. Dr. Doering quickly wanted an x-ray of her uterus and took a slide of her discharge which in fact was pus. She was immediately identified as having Pyometra, which is an infected uterus. Loretta has just come out of emergency surgery this evening to remove her uterus and to try and save her life. This is a very serious condition and Dr. Doering feels that is the reason she was so quiet and shut down. She is stable and Dr. Doering feels she will be okay. Second, is Jo Jo, she will spend the night on IV fluids and antibiotics, she has Pyometra as well, she just isn’t as sick from it just yet as Loretta is. She will have surgery first thing in the morning to remove her infected uterus as well as having her hernia repaired. Dr. Doering is hoping she can make the hernia repair hold. She has so much scar tissue from repetitive c-sections that the tissue is difficult to keep together from such a large hernia. If it doesn’t hold she will have to go to the surgery center where they can try and repair it with mesh. Third is Jude, poor Jude is just infected on every inch of her skin literally, she is covered with yeast and infection and has been put on large doses of antibiotics, anti yeast medication, and some steroids to try and keep her comfortable. I will bathe her every other day in an anti yeast shampoo to try and help kill it off of her body. She is just miserable and it will take sometime for her to recover from this. Fourth is Rita, the vet feels that she needs to be seen by a Neurologist and Dr. Doering called Dr. Ducote on the phone to see if Rita could join in on Big Lou’s appointment and she said yes. So on Monday Rita will be evaluated for her neurological deficit and most likely an MRI will be needed to assess what would be best for her. She has been prescribed the same Antibiotics, anti-yeast medication as all the rest. I would just like to say how simply disgusted I am with people who choose to treat dogs in this way. The person who runs this mill has the gall to say that she cares about her dogs like they are her children. To think that she has two females that are unspayed with Pyometra that she just turns around and sells to someone without ever asking me what my intentions were with them or who I even was. Anyone could have taken these dogs and continued to just breed them, and ultimately would have cost them their lives. It is very important to me to help the public become aware of these types of places and to please choose carefully where you purchase your purebred puppy if that is what you want. I hear time and time again that people want a French Bulldog but they have no idea how to discern between a good breeder and a back yard breeder or even worse a puppy mill. I would like to say that everyone knows that any puppy in a pet store came from a mill but I am afraid that isn’t true. So I want to say that to everyone loud and clear. Every puppy and I mean every puppy in any pet store for sale anywhere in the United States, came from a puppy mill. There are no exceptions to this. There is absolutely NO reputable breeder that would ever sell their puppies to a pet store. If you are looking for a puppy and you end up with a broker helping you, this is exactly the same thing, 100% of the time their puppies come from a mill. If you don’t know how to identify a reputable breeder contact the AKC breed clubs for whichever breed you are looking for, they will be happy to point you in the right direction. We have got to change this problem in our society and get the legislation changed to stop the mills and to stop them from being regulated by the USDA, with the bare minimum requirements in the care of these dogs. When dogs in this condition are looked at as being just fine, I have a serious problem with that. Dr. Doering stated that they only thing the USDA would care about when looking at the Fab Four is that they are fed and not dehydrated, it is as simple as that, and this must change. I cannot express to you how fantastic the Chicago French Bulldog Rescue is with Mary running this organization. The expenses on these girls will be astronomical and Mary does not hold back, whatever they need they will get, it’s as simple as that. Whatever care is necessary for us to take care of on our end at the Ranch we will do. I promise you that I will see all of these girls healthy and happy and in the best homes that they could ever dream of. And last but not least if you can donate anything at all, please do so. The rescue will face thousands of dollars in vet bills for the Fab Four so if you could please consider helping with this I would so appreciate it as well as Mary from the CFBR. any donations made will go straight to the bills for them. They are a 501c3 rescue and all donations will be tax deductible.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 01:46:06 +0000

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