Kissing my mother and brother goodbye Watching them fade as I - TopicsExpress


Kissing my mother and brother goodbye Watching them fade as I head toward the sky Remembering the teardrops fall from their eyes Knowing that soldiers dont always survive Clenching my gun and holding on tight Saying a prayer, preparing to fight Watching my friend as he closes his eyes Squeezing them tighter, so he doesnt cry I tell him that everything will be okay But the fear in his eyes, doesnt go away I feel the same way, but dont let it show Holding on to a picture, without letting go Its of me and my brother that I left back at home Remembering his three words Youre not Alone The sky becomes darker as we begin to land Once we hit the ground, we run as fast as we can Gunfire follows, as bullets ricochet off the sand I duck and take cover, after my automatic weapon gets jammed My heart is racing faster than both my feet The adrenaline in my blood completely numbs the beat As I return fire, I only think of staying alive I refuse to let them kill me I refuse to be a soldier that dies While Im firing blindly I hear click click Realizing Im out of ammo, I try reloading quick As i reach in my pocket, i see an enemy aiming to shoot The world that surrounds me, suddenly mutes Everything Ive ever lived for and everyone I love Reminds me to keep fighting and to never give up I dive to dodge the bullet thats flying my way But it hits me in the arm Forcing my gun to fly the other way Without anything left to protect myself I cry my heart out knowing, theres no one else to help He takes another shot and it hits me in the chest I fall on my back and begin to gasp for my last breath He stands above me and aims for my head Takes his final shot..... leaves me for dead. Silence takes over as I lay on the ground Fear no longer exists but my face still holds a frown A frown because I lost a battle that I knew couldnt win A frown because Ill never get to see my family ever again A frown because I fought a war that wasnt mine But I died trying.... holding a picture of my family By my side.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 08:13:15 +0000

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