Kitaab Sharh us-Sunnah by Al-Barbahaaree Trans. Abu Talhah Dawud - TopicsExpress


Kitaab Sharh us-Sunnah by Al-Barbahaaree Trans. Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank Select Point 1: The Sunnah is Islaam and Islaam is the Sunnah... 2: From the Sunnah is Clinging to the Jamaaah... 3: The Companions Are The Foundation of the Jamaaah... 4: All The Affairs Have Been Made Clear By the Sunnah and Jamaa... 5: Adhering to the Understanding of the Companions... 6: All Innovation (in the Religion) is Misguidance... 7: All Major Innovations and Deviations Begin Small and Insigni... 8: Care With Respect to the Affairs of Knowledge and Religion... 9: The Two Ways to Leave the Straight Path... 10: Islam is Complete and Requires Only Submission... 11: There Are No Analogies For The Sunnah... 12: Censure of Debating and Arguing... 13: Speculative Speech About Allaah Is A Heretical Innovation... 14: Allaah is The First and the Last And His Knowledge Encompass... 15: Concerning The Speech of Allaah And Questioning the Attribut... 16: Seeing Allaah In The Hereafter... 17: Belief In The Scales (Meezaan)... 18: To have Faith in the punishment of the grave... 19: To have Faith in the Pool (Hawd) of Allah’s Messenger.... 20: To have Faith in the Intercession of Allah’s Messenger.... 21: To have Faith in the Bridge over Hell.... 22: To have Faith in the Prophets and Angels.... 23: To have Faith that Paradise and the Fire are true and both a... 24: Adam (alaihis salaam) was in Paradise, but was removed from ... 25: To have Faith in al-Maseehud-Dajjaal.... 26: To have Faith in the descent of Eesaa (alaihis salaam).... 27: Eemaan (Faith) comprises of speech, action and beliefs and i... 28: The best of the Companions of Allahs Messenger.... 29: To obey the rulers in that which Allah loves and is pleased ... 30: It is not permissible to spend a night thinking that one has... 31: The prayer is performed behind the rulers and Hajj and Jihaa... 32: Khilaafah will remain within the Quraish until the descent o... 33: Whoever rebels against a Muslim ruler is one of the Khawaari... 34: It is neither permissible to fight the ruler or to rebel aga... 35: It is permissible to fight the Khawaarij if they attack the ... 36: Obedience is only in what is good.... 37: Do not bear witness that a person is an inhabitant of Paradi... 38: Allah accepts the repentance of all sins.... 39: Stoning is true.... 40: Wiping over the socks is from the Sunnah.... 41: It is from the Sunnah to shorten the prayer whilst travellin... 42: One may either fast or abstain from fasting whilst travellin... 43: Praying whilst wearing loose trousers.... 44: Hypocrisy is proclaiming belief, whilst concealing disbelief... 45: The world is the place of Eeman.... 46: There are believers and Muslims amongst the nation of Muhamm... 47: However, we do not bear witness that a person is a true and ... 48: The Sunnah is to offer the funeral prayer for all the people... 49: The title of believer is only removed due to certain factors... 50: One must accept all narrations from Allah and His Messenger ... 51: Whoever claims to have seen Allah in the world is a disbelie... 52: Reflecting deeply upon Allah is an innovation.... 53: All of Allah’s creation act upon His command.... 54: Allah’s knowledge comprehends all matters: those that take p... 55: There is no marriage without a guardian.... 56: Divorcing a wife three times makes her unlawful.... 57: The blood of a Muslim is haraam except in three cases.... 58: Some of Allah’s creation will come to an end, whilst others ... 59: Allah will bring about Justice for all of His creation.... 60: The actions of the slaves must be done with sincerity for Al... 61: One must accept and be pleased with the decree of Allah.... 62: The funeral prayer consists of four takbeers.... 63: An angel descends with every raindrop.... 64: The dead mushriks heard the Messenger’s (sallallaahu alaihi ... 65: Allah removes sins due to illness.... 66: Allah rewards the martyr.... 67: Children feel pain in this world.... 68: No one enters Paradise except by the Mercy of Allah.... 69: Doubt the Islam of one who does not accept the hadeeth of th... 70: The Qur’an needs the Sunnah to explain it.... 71: Unwarranted speech about Allah’s Pre-Decree is forbidden... 72: To have faith in the Messenger’s visit to the Heavens... 73: The souls of the martyrs are within the bellies of green bir... 74: The soul of the deceased is returned to his body and he is q... 75: A Point Concerning the Decree of Allaah... 76: One must have Faith that Allah spoke to Moosaa (alaihis sala... 77: Every person is given intellect and each must act according ... 78: Allah has blessed some people more than others and He has do... 79: Whoever hides sincere advice from the Muslims has acted dece... 80: Allah, the Blessed and Most High, hears, sees and knows... 81: A person may receive one of three tidings when he dies... 82: Denying the believers’ seeing Allah with their eyes in Parad... 83: Rhetoric (kalaam) causes disbelief, doubts, innovations, mis... 84: Allah will punish the creation inside the Fire, not near the... 85: The obligatory prayers are five and have their stated times ... 86: The obligation of the Zakah... 87: The beginning of Islam is the testification of Faith... 88: Whatever Allah says is true... 89: To have faith in the Sharee’ah... 90: The servant should always have caution and fear, since he do... 91: One should hope in Allah’s Mercy and be fearful on account o... 92: One must have Faith that Allah showed the Prophet what would... 93: The religion was a single Jamaa’ah and then the people split... 94: Temporary marriage is forbidden... 95: The excellence of the tribe of Muhammad (sallallaahu alaihi ... 96: The religion lies in following the way of the Messenger and ... 97: Whoever says that the recitation of the Qur’an is created is... 98: The Jahmiyyah were ruined due to their pondering about Allah... 99: The deviation of the Jahmee... 100: There has never been any heresy except from the ignorant one... 3: The Companions Are The Foundation of the Jamaaah The foundation upon which the Jamaaah is built is the Companions of Muhammad May Allaahs Mercy be upon them all. They are Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah,[1] so whoever does not take from them has gone astray and innovated[2] and every innovation is misguidance, and misguidance and its People are in the Fire.[3] NOTES 1. As is shown by the hadeeth of at-Tirmidhee (no. 2641): Abdullaah ibn Amr said: The Messenger of Allaah said,What happened to the Children of lsraaeel will happen with my Ummah, just as one shoe resembles the other, to the point that if one of them had intercourse with his mother openly, there would be someone who did that in my Ummah. The Children of Israaeel split into seventy two sects and my Ummah will split into seventy three sects, all of which are in the Fire except one sect. They asked, Which is that one, 0 Messenger of Allaah? He replied, That which I and my Companions are upon. Declared hasan by Shaikh al-Albaanee. 2. It is authentically reported that Allaahs Messenger said,Stick to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided Caliphs after me, cling to that with your molar teeth and beware of new matters, for every innovation is misguidance. Reported by Ahmad, Abu Daawood (Eng. trans. 3/1294/no.4590), at-Tirmidhee (no. 2676), Ibn Maajah (no. 42), ad-Daarimee (no. 96) and Ibn Abee Aasim in as-Sunnah (no. 54). Shaikh al-Albaanee declares, Its isnaad is saheeh, its narrators reliable. 3. Jaabir, radiallaahuanhu, reports that the Prophet would say in his khutbah, ... The most truthful speech is the Book of Allaah. The best way is the way of Muhammad. The worst of affairs are the novelties and every novelty is an innovation and every innovation is misguidance and every misguidance is in the Fire. Reported by an-Nasaaee (3/188). It is declared saheeh by Shaikh al-Albaanee in Saheeh Sunan in-Nasaaee (no. 1487). Abu Shaamah (d.665H) said,The order to stick to the Jamaaah means sticking to the truth and its followers; even if those who stick to the truth are few and those who oppose it are many; since the truth is that which the first Jamaaah from the time of the Prophet and his Companions, radiallaahu anhum, were upon. No attention is given to the great number of the people of futility coming after them. (Al-Baaith alal-Bidah wal-Huwaadith, p.l9).
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 14:29:27 +0000

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