Kitty Pekett was ideal daughter , an exemplary wife , a good - TopicsExpress


Kitty Pekett was ideal daughter , an exemplary wife , a good mother , a serious teacher responsible housewife and freelance calligrapher . As she says , lived in the cells , as if her whole life had been painted on a sheet of school notebook . This went on for over fifty years . And then , in 50 years , Kitty stood up on a surfboard and became a different person . Now this new Kitty 75, and she feels free and happy as never before . So free that goes into the ocean on the board , even in winter , and is not afraid of huge waves . Once defeating your own , Kitty is not afraid of anything . - Fly to the white foam directly on the white snow ! What could be better ? - She says. When Kitty was fifty with a small , she brought her son to the beach , which is fond of surfing. While the children were busy in the water, went to the Kitty unknown woman and offered to teach the basic techniques of handling the board. Kitty Pekett long refused (surfing does not fit in the cage exemplary mother) , but eventually agreed. Pekett says that when she sailed for the first time to surf through the foam of the sea , turned her life. World around itself Kitty became different . She left calligraphy studies and began to paint in oils on canvas . It appeared self-confidence , and her paintings - bright colors and expression . Like a half-century paintings waited Kitty bold enough and draws it . And waited. Kitty did have the courage - ocean inspired in her horror , had to constantly fight with fear . At its protective helmet for surfing Kitty led a kind of diary of the struggle. It keeps the helmet . The word fear , I was scared , against the tide , I was worried coexist on it with the words happiness , freedom , life begins at fifty . Husband was in shock. His good-natured wife, who before and behind the wheel , then sat down only with his permission , began to disappear for days at the beach with a surfboard , to compete and represent their paintings at exhibitions. Affect Kitty had no chance . Her cell crumbled . Kitty now comes with a surfboard to the ocean at any time of the year , even in winter. Sometimes it is right on the surf rolls with the wave in the snow. Now she is not afraid of huge waves , Kitty rides even in a heavy storm . Competes mainly with men ( other female surfer around her age not) and often wins . Men with whom I compete , say that surfing for them - a struggle against the elements and the ability to demonstrate the power , - says Kitty . - For me it is absolutely not true. When I catch a wave , you feel especially strong spiritual experience. I like to feel the ocean, air, sky - for me it is in some sense as to go to church . In his workshop Kitty sometimes brings interesting items that are on the coast . These subjects she meets along the way because , once stopped going on cell , can not stop , even on walks never goes on general paths. Enough for two feet to retreat from the path on which all go, and found lots of interesting things! - She assures. Among its findings have spoiled a trap for lobsters: an empty cell that lobsters once broke inside and escaped to freedom. This trap is broken, like surfing, a great metaphor for life Kitty.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 19:37:57 +0000

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