Know What I Have Bigger is better. Greed is good. Selfishness - TopicsExpress


Know What I Have Bigger is better. Greed is good. Selfishness is acceptable. This is the worlds message, and it is alluring. It puts me first. It also gives me permission to get whatever I can. Jesus offers a different perspective, and it demands my full attention. Jesus addressed the many misconceptions people had regarding the kingdom of God. Some thought it should be a clearly visible and an immediately recognizable earthly kingdom. Others thought it didnt make any difference how one lived, God would be more than happy to welcome all. Strange as it seems, nothing has really changed. People still have the wrong idea about Gods kingdom, and I am confronted by the same misunderstanding. This is why I need to listen to Jesus lesson, and know what I have. The temptation is to always want more, bigger and better. It is just as tempting to put myself first. Unfortunately, the pursuit of the things of this world and self-gratification put me outside of Gods kingdom. It also places me under his just judgment. I need to listen to Jesus clear call to look at what I already have. Through Gods undeserved love in Jesus and the gift of faith, I am already a member of Gods kingdom. Not only do I have the assurance of his care and protection, I also know what the future holds. When I leave this world, I will be with him in heaven. My life under his ruling care will only get better. This is why I delight in living under his loving rule as my Lord. Yes, serving myself brings certain joys, but these will eventually be lost in death. When I serve the Lord and put him first, I know I have an even greater treasure waiting for me in heaven. So, do I choose what the world offers? Will I indulge myself and satisfy my selfish desires? Or, do I choose what the Lord offers? Will I serve him and rejoice in his loving direction? My answer is found at the cross of my Savior Jesus Christ. Here I see what God has done for me. Here I know what I have. Prayer: O gracious Lord, open my eyes to see the great blessings which are already mine through faith. Remove every earthly desire and rid me of my selfish ways. Renew me by your undeserved love and restore my joy in living under your good will and direction. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 13:17:23 +0000

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