Know the laws, be respectful but be confident and dont back down - TopicsExpress


Know the laws, be respectful but be confident and dont back down ..................tonight we made a right out of our driveway on our very rural road and went about a quarter mile where there are newly developed gravel roads and construction of new houses. We were obviously looking for a spot to metal detect but had enough respect to not venture on any new or recent home construction sites. We were looking for a wooded area and to stay clear and go for an hour or so. We parked at a nearby gravel coldesac and made sure there were no signs to indicate no tresspassing. (By the way this is something we never do or suggest doing as you should always have permission to be safe). I have enough properties as is but this was close and tempting so what the hell right???? Wrong!!! Lol...we detected for about 25 min and we heard two cars pull up on the newly constructed gravel neighborhood road. We walked out of the woods with confidence and greeted the two officers. Without reply to our good graces they asked what we were doing. I said just enjoying the evening and trying to save some history! Hahaha...they paused in utter dismay and said exuse me??? I said yeah we are history buffs and just checking out the area is there something I could help you with? They proceeded to tell me that apparently someone saw me doing donuts and drinking and said I fit the bill....I replied I have no idea what you r talking about and said you guys saw me? They said no but a witness is all we need to go on. I knew right then and there where this was going. First of all myself and my partner in crime..haha knows dag on well I was not drinking. Now did I get on the gas maybe a little too hard in soft new gravel road when apparently a pest inspector was in view??? Yeah I may have!!! But anyway to make a long story short both officers asked if I was the driver and that I needsd to take a sobreity test...yeah I know..I just laughed and said really?? I have not had a thing to drink tonight but this dr. Pepper in my hand and even if I was wasted we r on a non state or county maintained road way off in the woods near the mill and I would not be breaking any law there nor do I see any signs of no tresspassing so sure ill take this test blindfolded with one leg in a yoga stance! Haha..I said yeah im ready! He said nevermind about the sobrierty test..I said lets not beat around the bush. I understand and respect that you r reaponding to a call and I have answered your questions and we r not tresspassing so we r going to walk back in the woods and get pur metal detecting gear and just leave. We live across the laws broken here so we r out sir! The look on these officers faces as we walked back in the woods and grabbed our gear and loaded it and pulled off was a poor decision that could have been avoided but we were still not breaking any laws!!! Enjoy life..know the law..dont push it and be respectful amd get permission
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 02:21:46 +0000

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