.. Knowing God: Guilty But Free “whoever will call upon the - TopicsExpress


.. Knowing God: Guilty But Free “whoever will call upon the name of the lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13 Romans 3:9-20 A young woman was caught going one hundred miles an hour in a fifty-five-mile-per-hour zone outside one of those small towns. The policeman brought her into court where the judge fined her one hundred dollars. “But I don’t have one hundred dollars,” she wailed. “I’m sorry, but you’ll have to spend the weekend in jail,” the judge told her. “You owe the court one hundred dollars. You may not have the money but the laws the law.” She began to cry. “Please, your honor, I don’t have one hundred dollars, but I don’t want to spend the weekend in jail.” The judge said, “I can’t change the law.” But the young woman begged for mercy again….and to the surprise of the bailiff and the policeman, the judge did something very interesting. He pushed his chair back from the bench, took off his robe, walked around to where the woman was standing, took out his wallet, and gave the bailiff a one hundred dollar bill, went back to the bench, put on his robe, and sat down. Then the judge picked up his gavel and said, “Young lady, I see someone has paid your fine. Case dismissed. You’re free to go.” That’s what God did for you and me. We stood before the bench of His justice, and He said, “You’ve been found guilty of sinning against My holy character. You’ve either got to pay the price of perfection or spend eternity in the prison called hell.” But God the Judge also heard us cry out for mercy. He knew we had nothing to pay our debt with. So the Person of Jesus Christ He stepped out of heaven, “zipped down” His deity, put on His robe of humanity, and paid the price Himself on the Cross. Three days later, He put His robe of deity back on and ascended back to the bench of heaven. Now he looks down and says to anyone who comes to Him and begs for mercy, “I can’t change the law, but I can pay the price.” You’ll never have to worry about heaven again if you know Jesus Christ. The Judge who pronounced sentence against you also paid your fine. He’ll do it for anyone who comes to Him. Do you know someone who needs good news like that? We packed a lot into these last three weeks. But you notice I haven’t passed along any shortcuts or “tricks of the trade” to knowing God, because there aren’t any. If you see a book with the title, “Getting to Know God in Four Easy Steps,” be very suspicious! The fact is that knowing God intimately takes the same kind of dedication and sweat and attention and time it takes to know anyone real well. But just ask anybody who has a rich, growing, and satisfying marriage. The payoff for the effort is tremendous. I think half the battle in this business of knowing God is learning to focus your heart and mind on Him and eliminating as many distractions as possible. There are a number of things you can do to help yourself here. Make it a regular habit to look at your daily schedule and figure out what you’re spending your time on. Try turning off the TV twenty minutes early, set your alarm twenty minutes early, and get into the habit of spending some quiet time with God. Start saying no to some things, maybe even to some good things, so you can say yes to something better, intimacy with God. Make God a priority in your life! Well, that wraps up our series on “Knowing God,” and tomorrow we will start a new one on “Faith,” which I believe is the next step to take on your journey to walking with God. See you tomorrow, hope your ready to go! Posted by David Coleman of The DC Ministry “Sharing The Gospel.” Unlike · . Act Like A Lady Think Like A Queen and Shirley Dunkley Wright like this.. Write a comment... . . ..
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 13:05:48 +0000

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