Knowing His voice. Part 9 Why is God silent? 2. Lack of - TopicsExpress


Knowing His voice. Part 9 Why is God silent? 2. Lack of patience, calmness and meekness “Be not hasty to go out of His sight” Ecclesiastes. 8:3a Quote: When you can’t trace Him trust Him. READ: 1. Kings 18:43-44 “And said to his servant, go up now, look towards the sea. And he went up and looked, and said, there is nothing. And he said go again SEVEN TIMES” “And it came to pass at the SEVENTH TIME, that he said, behold, and there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man’s hand…” Elijah waited patiently while expecting the rain. STUDY: Genesis. 8:6-12 Noah patiently waited and abided still in the ark until the flood dried up finally, he only had to send a dove to check from time to time until the dove never returned to him. God loves us climbing on His shoulder and staying calm for Him to take us through. “And he shall search for me with all your heart …and I will be found of you…” Jeremiah. 29:12-14. Keep yourself from worry and anxiety when you are waiting to hear from God concerning specific matters. Don’t be too eager, stay calm and free your mind. Most people who complained that God has not been speaking to them should try to be a bit more patient during their Bible study, prayers, worship and while conversing with people. Lack of patience is deadly. King Saul waited at Mount Gilgal for 7days; he became impatient so he offered a burnt offering to the Lord in the absence of Samuel…the end was a tragic story. 1. Samuel.13:9-11. Be MEEK. “The meek will He guide in judgment; and the meek will He teach His ways” Psalm.25:9. Are you teachable? How do you react when you are corrected? Are you a strong-willed person? Are you always ready to obey? Or are you the type that always wants to have things your way? These among others will determine whether God will continue to speak to you. Prayer: Father help me to be still while you give me direction for my life in Jesus name. JOIN: Distinct Generation Ministry Shalom
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 08:26:54 +0000

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