Knowing the Truth about something can often enable us to - TopicsExpress


Knowing the Truth about something can often enable us to "nothingize" that which is other than or contrary to truth, such that right where the error appeared, you see the Truth that the error was a lie about, and the Truth is seen to be the sole reality, Now, sometimes we find ourselves dealing with only one-half of a belief, like nothingizing one-half of a worm, leaving the other half to grow back the half we just nothingized. Beliefs never relate only to your self or only to your environment, but rather to the relationship that exists between yourself and your environment, the self and the non-self, the ego and the world. However, to start off, beliefs may seem to either relate to the self or the non-self alone. At least that’s the way will often look at first, just like a penny can at first look like it’s only heads. But just like a coin always has both heads and tails, each belief is going to have two sides to it, one relating to the self or the ego and the other relating to the non-self or the world. Each belief has an aspect of it that deals with an “assumed identity” and an aspect that deals with a “projected identity.” No identity exists in a vacuum, but rather each identity depends on the kind of world it projects. And no projection exists on its own either, but depends on the identity that projects it. Self and non-self are woven together in an integral whole. If you nothingize only the self that projects the non-self, or if you nothingize only the non-self that’s projected, the other half of the composite will grow its counterpart back. Usually you are initially aware only of one side or the other, either an aspect of your own identity or an aspect of the world that that identity projects, and have a vested ego-interest in keeping the other side concealed. A classic example of this is the identity which projects a world populated with what it experiences as contemptible. In these cases, the identity that projects such a world has judged certain characteristics within itself as contemptible, and in doing so, denies their existence within itself, projecting them as hateful characteristics in others. That which is judged as evil or contemptible or perverse is often denied in oneself and projected as external. The negative judgment results in resisting the belief to the extent of repressing it and projecting it, and so because the resistance conceals that facet of identity from being available for dissolution, the dissolution is never complete and always grows back. This is why judgment and resistance always results in an aborted experience that locks in place the belief that caused it, preventing it from dissolving. The problem never was the thing we resist, rather it always was that we were resisting it in the first place, often then hiding either its assumed or projected components. This is very simple to use. Knowing that every aspect of ego identity has both an assumed and projected component, once you’re confronted with a belief to nothingize, simply ask yourself if it relates to an assumed identity or a projected identity, and whichever it is, just look for “the other side of the coin” so to speak, and then experience them as “two sides of the whole coin,” or the whole instead of one-half of the belief, without any judgment or resistance, and let it dissolve into its status as not Truth. Let’s try it. Close your eyes and select something you believe about yourself. Whatever it is, it’s an assumed identity. Let go of any judgment or resistance you may have towards it. Now see if you can notice the projected identity that results from that assumed identity, or in other words see what it attracts to you in your environment, or in other words see in what way it invites others to behave towards you, or in other words see what you believe about others as a result of having this belief you have about yourself. That’s the Projected identity. Now let go of any judgment or resistance you might have towards the Projected identity. Now notice how both the assumed and projected identity fit together as one integrated belief that has two complementary sides to it. Let go of any judgment or resistance that might remain. Then realize that this is not what you are, but simply a belief, and then let it go. Analysis of all this can become quite intricate and complex. But analysis is not what is needed. All that is required is that you feel your way into all the previously hidden, denied, or resisted aspects of the interwoven composite that constitutes the identity you feel as your “self” and its relationship to the projections you feel as “non-self.” All that matters is that you feel it on its own terms without the overlays of your judgments. So, as you let go of judging and resisting experience, you find your life becoming more and more fluid, both in its assumed and projected facets. And since it was only your resistance that was holding everything in place, everything now begins to flow. Your life becomes symphonic. You begin to experience yourself as Truth.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 15:27:29 +0000

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