Knowledge Brings Grief Read Ecclesiastes 1:12–18 For with - TopicsExpress


Knowledge Brings Grief Read Ecclesiastes 1:12–18 For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief. Ecclesiastes 1:18 Many equate wisdom with success. Going to an Ivy-League university and earning the highest academic degree means we are among the intellectual elite of our nation and the world. Solomon himself had wisdom and success. After Solomon succeeded his father, David, to the throne of Israel, God said to him, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you” (1 Kings 3:5). Recognizing the difficulty of the task before him, Solomon asked for a “discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong” (1 Kings 3:9). This answer pleases God. Rather than asking for power or for wealth, Solomon asks for wisdom. From the very first pages of Scripture, we know that God’s wisdom is different from human knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge in and of itself does not bring happiness. Satan tempted Eve with fruit from the tree that would bring knowledge of good and evil (see Genesis 3). Solomon here comments on the lack of contentment that comes from the sphere of the mind. He compares human knowledge to a “heavy burden” (Eccl. 1:13). Once again, we see the phrase “under the sun” (v. 14). Solomon, with his knowledge and worldly experiences, finds the pursuit of the intellect exhausting. Acquiring knowledge for its own sake is never-ending, tiring, and meaningless. This end goal produces “madness and folly” (v. 17). A distinction is made between knowledge and happiness. We sometimes describe a miserable person as one who “knows too much.” Knowing more does not necessarily make us content or happy. It can bring sorrow as we grasp the pain and sinfulness of this world. What is the difference between wisdom and knowledge? Wisdom emphasizes the discernment of right and wrong, not just acquiring facts. Pray that God will give you His wisdom to process the knowledge of this world that can overwhelm us each day. Ask God to help you see life that extends beyond our earthly limitations.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 08:07:58 +0000

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