Knowledge becomes real wisdom only when we have constant - TopicsExpress


Knowledge becomes real wisdom only when we have constant hearing,from the guru or spiritual master that, is the method we can integrated wisdom that ultimately sustains and consistently supports us. Yoga is actually a practical knowledge, Our consciousness is not changed by mere words. It is through hearing that positive habits are formed with that, the horizon of our awareness is broadened and radiate joy express creativity in our human life. Truthful and joyful action of yoga, To simply know the truth does not assure that we can act upon it. To discover the truth at the core of our being gives us the ability to follow the path of our heart. When we are able to act from our heart-felt truth, we experience fulfillment within ourselves success in our lives bliss in our existence. The joy of acting from our truth is one of the sacred gifts of being human. Yoga offers us techniques for prolong life and good health, by building a strong immune system, and keep our glands vital,with strong nervous system, to maintain good circulation. A healthy body gives us the energy to fully live our lives. Our physical foundation helps us deal calmly and gracefully with the mental, emotional and spiritual facets of our lives. There is nothing more fabulous than good health. As we develop our intuition we also recognize what is real, we uncover what is important to us we sense our innate organization and direction our inner compass leads us toward our goals. The journey of life is always full of problems Happiness is knowing we are on our path. to confront our challenges as they arise. and serene contentment that accompanies us along the way. we have the power to attain self-realization we also have the capacity to discover our relationship with God. When our finite being is at peace with our infinite Source we feel securely connected to our Mother the Earth we live in harmony with the universe we feel whole, complete and at one with all living things. The practice of Kundalini yoga makes it possible to transform our limitations so that the natural flow of the cosmic current can pass through us to retrain and rebuild ourselves to enjoy the magnificent process of awakening. This power offers us the opportunity to go beyond our self-imposed limitations that originate from poor habits, unconscious living, erroneous beliefs and the chance to experience who we already are to witness infinity in our every day lives to return home to our own heart [that is peace of mind]. This power trains us in the inner science of the Self. to prioritize our inner and outer worlds. in achieving balance and integrity in all aspects of our life, With the union of our whole being we achieve power peace effectiveness and excellence in our daily lives. Kundalini yoga helps us stop the inner war that causes stress and distress that wastes so much energy and life force so that we can experience inner neutrality calmness stillness clarity and peace. THIS power allows us to establish a state of mind where we are conscious of ourselves to act from this consciousness and cease to be the puppets of external and emotional stimuli with intuitively to know the effects of an action before we take. A great offers and techniques to establish the physical, mental and emotional strength and integration that makes it possible, to release our fears and insecurities and experience our inner divinity to met our challenges creatively on every stage of life with grace and gratitude [95]. to live our life resourcefully and passionately. Yoga is a discipline that helps us alter and cultivate consciousness achieve mental as well as physical flexibility heighten our spiritual awareness and presence to attend higher meaning and purpose in life. YOGA is the science of strengthening our radiance that gives us a greater capacity in positive projection with expanded impact of a rich and fulfilled life. with the understanding and following the universal laws during our lifetime we will meet the opportunities to fulfill our destiny, this knowledge opens up our awareness and receptivity so that we can recognize the opportunities when they appear and sustain our commitment to our soul. STAY BLESS,
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 11:29:14 +0000

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