Ko mi nadje User key dobija nagradu !!! FASTTTT!!! function - TopicsExpress


Ko mi nadje User key dobija nagradu !!! FASTTTT!!! function sendTrackingPixelsforNewAccount(campaign) { if(campaign == liquid_fb) { var ebRand = Math.random()+; ebRand = ebRand * 1000000; // } } Dungeon Rampage div#warning { background-color: #EEDC94;f background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #FCEEC1, #EEDC94); background-repeat: repeat-x; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25) inset; color: #404040; margin-bottom: 18px; padding: 7px 15px; position: relative; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } ul.SameLine li { width: auto; float: left; list-style: none; padding:0px 10px 0px 0px; } div#footer li a { color:#3B5998; font-size:11px; text-decoration:none; } div#footer li a:hover { color:#3B5998; font-size:11px; text-decoration:underline; } div#adNote { left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 85px; height: 15px; position: absolute; } a.reportbug { display: block; width: 132px; height: 25px; text-decoration: none; background: url(https://ak.ssl.dungeonbusters/images/UI_header_button_report_bug.png?v=20140204-1844-01); } a.reportbug:hover { background-position: -132px 0; } a.earngems { display: block; width: 113px; height: 25px; text-decoration: none; background: url(https://ak.ssl.dungeonbusters/images/UI_header_button_earn_gems.png?v=20140204-1844-01); } a.earngems:hover { background-position: -113px 0; } a.rateus { display: block; width: 92px; height: 25px; text-decoration: none; background: url(https://ak.ssl.dungeonbusters/images/UI_header_button_rate_us2.png?v=20140204-1844-01); } a.rateus:hover { background-position: -92px 0; } a.news { display: block; width: 70px; height: 25px; text-decoration: none; background: url(https://ak.ssl.dungeonbusters/images/UI_header_button_news2.png?v=20140204-1844-01); } a.news:hover { background-position: -70px 0; } a.help { display: block; width: 70px; height: 25px; text-decoration: none; background: url(https://ak.ssl.dungeonbusters/images/UI_header_button_help2.png?v=20140204-1844-01); } a.help:hover { background-position: -70px 0; } a.games:link {color:#FFCC00;} a.games:visited {color:#FFCC00;} a.games:hover {color:#FFCC00;} a.games:active {color:#FFCC00;} var flashvars = {}; var params = {}; params.quality = high; params.scale = exactfit; params.wmode = opaque; params.bgcolor = #FFFFFF; params.allowfullscreen = false; params.allowscriptaccess = always; var attributes = {}; attributes.id = DBEntry; attributes.name = DBEntry; attributes.align = middle; swfobject.embedSWF(https://ak.ssl.dungeonbusters/game/game/game/DBEntry.swf?v=20140204-1844-01, flashDiv, 760, 600, 10.1.0, https://ak.ssl.dungeonbusters/game/game/game/expressInstall.swf, flashvars, params, attributes); // // function setFocusOnFlash() { var f = swfobject.getObjectById(DBEntry); if (f) { f.tabIndex = 0; f.focus(); } } var demographics = {splitTests:,EntryPoint:FB,session:IDGL040KITI3PN1D22OW8PW68OF5,current_campaign:,current_demographic:,original_campaign:,original_demographic:,ip:,useragent:Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:27.0) Gecko\/20100101 Firefox\/27.0,servername:dungeonbusters,fb_source:search,buildversion:20140204-1844,accountId:1012480122,facebookId:100002187069129,gender:male,locale:en_US,timezone:1,verified:true,birthday:11\/16\/1996,avatarId:1115387631}; var splittests = [] ; var validationToken = 1394971047:0069ca5fca0a453638ce9e0eb39f0ff37e1bd46adf98c31943abf31d400fa112; function Metric() { this.track = function(e, parameters) { $.ajax({url:/event, type:POST, data:e= + e + ¶meters= + escape(JSON.stringify(demographics)) }); } } var metric = new Metric(); function Get_App_Parameters() { return JSON.stringify({ PlayToken:validationToken, API_root:dungeonbusters/api/, RPC_root:dungeonbusters/rpc/, download_root:https://ak.ssl.dungeonbusters/, CacheVersion:20140204-1844-01, MetricsEnabled:1, metrics_logging_url:dungeonbusters/event, API_ValidationToken:validationToken, SplitTests:[], FacebookAppId:280255738663106, FacebookPlayerId:100002187069129, FacebookThirdPartyId:HPMqnfwKwIc97kPB2A5UDgo5CIk, FacebookApplication:welcometothedungeon, NanigansAppId:5259, AccountId:1012480122, Banned:false, FirstLoginToday:false, GameSocketPort:443, GameSocketAddress:game.dungeonbusters, CurrentCampaign:, AncestorCampaign:, OriginalCampaign:, RewardOfferId:0, RewardErrorMessage:, Currency:USD, ALLOW_HACKS_TO_PLAY_MAP_NODE:false, NetworkId:1, MatchMakerGroup:A, min_avlevel_for_ad:4, FUFB:false, use_long_revive:true, want_debug_logging:false, want_info_logging:false, want_hidden_heroes:false, ShowEarnGemsButton:true,Demographics:demographics}); } function liquidTracking(activityIdString) { var ebRand = Math.random()+; ebRand = ebRand * 1000000; var completeLine = HTTP://bs.serving-sys/BurstingPipe/ActivityServer.bs?cn=as&ActivityID= + activityIdString + &rnd= + ebRand; var sNew = document.createElement(script); sNew.async = true; sNew.src = completeLine; var s0 = document.getElementsByTagName(script)[0]; s0.parentNode.insertBefore(sNew, s0); } function my_ontransact(obj) { var movie =document.getElementById(DBEntry); movie.earnCurrencyCallback(obj); } function earnCredits(x) { var appId = welcometothedungeon; var currencyUrl = window.location.href; var endIndex = currencyUrl.indexOf(facebook/); var currencyUrl = currencyUrl.substring(0,endIndex); var thirdPartyId = HPMqnfwKwIc97kPB2A5UDgo5CIk; currencyUrl = currencyUrl + currencyoffers/inappcurrencyoffers; TRIALPAY.fb.show_overlay(appId, fbpayments, {sid:thirdPartyId, currency_url:currencyUrl, onTransact:my_ontransact}); } (function($) { $.extend({ jsonRPC: { // RPC Version Number version: 2.0, // End point URL, sets default in requests if not // specified with the request call endPoint: null, // Default namespace for methods namespace: null, /* * Provides the RPC client with an optional default endpoint and namespace * * @param {object} The params object which can contains * {string} endPoint The default endpoint for RPC requests * {string} namespace The default namespace for RPC requests */ setup: function(params) { this._validateConfigParams(params); this.endPoint = params.endPoint; this.namespace = params.namespace; return this; }, /* * Convenience wrapper method to allow you to temporarily set a config parameter * (endPoint or namespace) and ensure it gets set back to what it was before * * @param {object} The params object which can contains * {string} endPoint The default endpoint for RPC requests * {string} namespace The default namespace for RPC requests * @param {function} callback The function to call with the new params in place */ withOptions: function(params, callback) { this._validateConfigParams(params); // No point in running if there isnt a callback received to run if(typeof(callback) === undefined) throw(No callback specified); origParams = {endPoint: this.endPoint, namespace: this.namespace}; this.setup(params); callback.call(this); this.setup(origParams); }, /* * Performas a single RPC request * * @param {string} method The name of the rpc method to be called * @param {object} options A collection of object which can contains * params {array} the params array to send along with the request * success {function} a function that will be executed if the request succeeds * error {function} a function that will be executed if the request fails * url {string} the url to send the request to * id {string} the provenance id for this request (defaults to 1) * @return {undefined} */ request: function(method, options) { if(typeof(options) === undefined) { options = { id: 1 }; } if (typeof(options.id) === undefined) { options.id = 1; } // Validate method arguments this._validateRequestMethod(method); this._validateRequestParams(options.params); this._validateRequestCallbacks(options.success, options.error); // Perform the actual request this._doRequest(JSON.stringify(this._requestDataObj(method, options.params, options.id)), options); return true; }, /* * Submits multiple requests * Takes an array of objects that contain a method and params * * @params {array} requests an array of request object which can contain * method {string} the name of the method * param {object} the params object to be sent with the request * id {string} the provenance id for the request (defaults to an incrementer starting at 1) * @param {object} options A collection of object which can contains * success {function} a function that will be executed if the request succeeds * error {function} a function that will be executed if the request fails * url {string} the url to send the request to * @return {undefined} */ batchRequest: function(requests, options) { if(typeof(options) === undefined) { options = {}; } // Ensure our requests come in as an array if(!$.isArray(requests) || requests.length === 0) throw(Invalid requests supplied for jsonRPC batchRequest. Must be an array object that contain at least a method attribute); // Make sure each of our request objects are valid var _that = this; $.each(requests, function(i, req) { _that._validateRequestMethod(req.method); _that._validateRequestParams(req.params); if (typeof(req.id) === undefined) { req.id = i + 1; } }); this._validateRequestCallbacks(options.success, options.error); var data = [], request; // Prepare our request object for(var i = 0; ispan).text(hours + : + minutes + : + seconds); }; this.start = function(countdownStart) { countdownCurrent = countdownStart; setTimeout(countdown.onTick();, 1000); } } var countdown = new countMaintenance(); function reloadAsGet() { var loc = window.location; window.location = loc.protocol + // + loc.host + loc.pathname + loc.search; } function checkMaintenance() { $.ajax({url:/api/application/status, success:function(response) { response = $.parseJSON(response); startDate = new Date(); finishDate = new Date(); currentDate = new Date(); startDate.setTime(response.start * 1000); finishDate.setTime(response.finish * 1000); currentDate.setTime(response.timestamp * 1000); switch (response.status) { case maintenance: if (startDate < currentDate && finishDate > currentDate) { $(div#maintenance>p).text(response.warning); $(div#maintenance).fadeIn(slow); if (response.timer) { //set the countdown for maintenance $(div#countdown).fadeIn(slow); countdown.start((finishDate.getTime() / 1000) - (currentDate.getTime() / 1000)); //also we need to set the timeout of when to refresh //setTimeout(window.location.reload( true );, finishDate - currentDate); setTimeout(reloadAsGet();, finishDate - currentDate); } } else if (startDate < currentDate && finishDate < currentDate && response.timer) { //we have now reached the maintenance window force the reload //window.location.reload( true ); reloadAsGet(); } else if (startDate < currentDate && finishDate < currentDate && !response.timer) { if (response.warning != $(div#maintenance>p).text()) { if ($(div#maintenance).is(visable)) { $(div#maintenance).fadeOut(slow); } $(div#maintenance>p).text(response.warning); $(div#maintenance).fadeIn(slow); } setTimeout(checkMaintenance, 1000 * 60); } break; default: setTimeout(checkMaintenance, 1000 * 60); break; } }, error:function() { setTimeout(checkMaintenance, 1000 * 60); } }); } $(document).ready(function() { metric.track(PageLoaded, {}); checkMaintenance(); }); function sendInviteEmail(fromAccountId,networkId,senderName,emailId) { if (networkId==2) window.location=mailto:+emailId+?subject=Come rampage with me!&body=Hey! Im playing this awesome multiplayer action-RPG... it has lots of action, tons of loot, and we can play together online! Click here to join me in the Dungeon Games: kongregate/games/RebelEnt/dungeonrampage.; else window.location=mailto:+emailId+?subject=Come rampage with me!&body=Hey! Im playing this awesome multiplayer action-RPG... it has lots of action, tons of loot, and we can play together online! Click here to join me in the Dungeon Games: DungeonRampage/?anxrc=Invite&anxrs=Invite.; } (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = //connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1&appId=280255738663106; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, script, facebook-jssdk)); FB.init({ appId : 280255738663106, status : true, // check login status cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session }); FB.Canvas.setSize({ width: 900, height: 1000 }); Taking the site down for maintenance in: You do not have the required version of Adobe Flash Player. function showAdvert() { setAdvertIFrameSrc(); document.getElementById(advert).style.display = block; } function hideAdvert() { document.getElementById(advert).style.display = none; document.getElementById(advertFrame).src = about:blank; } function setAdvertIFrameSrc() { //If IE var advertFrame = document.getElementById(advertFrame); advertFrame.setAttribute(allowtransparency,true); var advertRefreshTime = 60; advertFrame.src = window.location.protocol+//+window.location.host+/ad.html?refreshTime=+advertRefreshTime; var advertNote = document.getElementById(adNote); var iconPath = window.location.protocol+//+window.location.host+/Resources/Art2D/Icons/Advert/adNote.png; advertNote.style.background = url(+iconPath+) no-repeat; } Privacy Policy Terms of Service var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push([_setAccount, UA-30108853-1]); _gaq.push([_trackPageview]); (function() { var ga = document.createElement(script); ga.type = text/javascript; ga.async = true; ga.src = (https: == document.location.protocol ? https://ssl : www) + .google-analytics/ga.js; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(script)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); function addPlayerizePurchaseTracker() { document.getElementById(trackerContent).innerHTML = ; } function addLifestreetNodeCompletionTracker() { document.getElementById(trackerContent).innerHTML = ; }
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 11:17:09 +0000

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