Koch Brothers "Think Tanks" so far: Groups funded by the Koch - TopicsExpress


Koch Brothers "Think Tanks" so far: Groups funded by the Koch brothers or to which the Koch brothers or Koch Industries belong. Repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the accepted truth. Koch Family Foundations American Commitment (CPI) American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Americans for Prosperity (formerly Citizens For A Sound Economy) American Highway Users Alliance American Energy Alliance American Future Fund American Tradition Institute Americans for Job Security Americans for Tax Reform Association for American Innovation (sourcewatch) Bill of Rights Insitute Cato Institute Center to Protect Patient Rights CitizenLink Citizens For A Sound Economy Foundation Competitive Enterprise Institute Concerned Women for America Democratic Leadership Council Federalist Society Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment Fraser Institute (Canada) Freedom Works (formerly Citizens For A Sound Economy) Galen Institute Generation Opportunity Goldwater Institute (sourcewatch) Heartland Institute Institute for Human Studies Institute for Policy Innovation Knowledge and Progress Fund (Charles Koch) Manhattan Institute Mercatus Center National Petrochemical and Refiners Association (Koch Industries is a member) National Taxpayers Union Natural Gas Supply Association (Koch Industries is a member) Reason Foundation (and Reason) State Policy Network Texas Prosperity Project Washington Legal Foundation
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 19:08:07 +0000

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