Kolbi Update part 2 Meanwhile wanting to help Kolbi Nick - TopicsExpress


Kolbi Update part 2 Meanwhile wanting to help Kolbi Nick researched and contacted numerous people who had first hand experience regarding cannabis oil. The decision to start Kolbi on this was no doubt made easier after his visit to the ICU. After Kolbis first dose (1 tear drop) for the first time since march Kolbi tested NEGATIVE for the Norwalk Virus. Coincidence?????? When we went home after round 3 Regular doses of the oil started and so did the life back into our little boy.l Round 4 started and. From day one we were up front and honest about it. The hardest thing about round 4 was dealing with a handful of nurses and one new Dr. At Times it we were met with absolute ignorance and some even cruel. Kolbi wad breezing thru until my mom came to spend a night and while we were both not there they told my mom to stop the oil. Within one day he was puking, not eating. Had mouth sores and a few other symptoms. Against the new Dr. Advice we kept going with the oil and any nurse that had seen kolbi in the months prior were amazed and shocked at how well he was doing. This new Dr straight outta med school held no credibility with us. All of our main Dr, clinical nurse, social worker were all away on vacation during this time which made,it even more difficult as well. After meeting with all of them when they returned we. Werent met with any objections even though no one wants to admit he is doing so well due to the,oil. Round 4 came to an end earlier than any other round and with only a few minor hiccups. Kolbi radiates life and happiness what he deserves. Now we are only one week in to round 5 and already yesterday he wad hep-locked without any tubes other than a feeding tube and spent majority of the day and night outside going for long walks and visiting the park. I am in shock but again scared of getting my hopes,up since his,counts still have to drop and come,back up before we can go home before one LAST ROUND which will be the hardest part with a,stem cell transplant. Cant wait to just go. Back to making lunches and listening to Nick snore beside me. Ok I take that one back I can live,without the snoring lol. One of the hardest things is not seeing each other, Nick and I switch places everyday around lunch and only see each other briefly being home with all 3 kids will be,a,blessing soon
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 22:11:13 +0000

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