Koobari Monk Class Spotlight Koobari monks are in harmony with - TopicsExpress


Koobari Monk Class Spotlight Koobari monks are in harmony with the flow of life. They are able to mold their own life energy to use against their enemies. Using the technique called koobar, which gives them their namesake, the koobari monks amplify their natural abilities in combat. Most perspective monks travel to Mala Point in the kingdom of Thorn to seek a master for training. Soba Gno’gar are masters of the fire and water forms of combat. Soba Cho’ku are masters of the earth and wind forms of combat. Young monks who begin their training are referred to as faun. Faun have much to learn and usually prefer to stay at Mala Point, where the healing energies of the land can protect them from their own mistakes in training. They train either one on one with a soba or as part of a group. Much of their training is done through sparring with other faun. Soba commonly spar with their students to gauge their improvements and see where they need to develop their skills. When a faun has proven its self they gain the rank of tayven. Tayven are sent out in the world to gain experience in real situations. They find allies they believe will lead them to greater battles. The greater the fights, the more the tayven can learn from them and the faster their skills can improve. Regularly sparring with other tayven or soba to test their skills, tayven strive to become better combatants. During this time they also get a feel for whether they are better suited to focus their attentions on the Gno’gar or Cho’ku specialties. When a koobari monk attains the rank of soba they choose the specialty that suits them best. Gno’gar, specialize in attacking enemies through strikes and energy techniques. Cho’ku, specialize in defending allies from harm by taking advantage of their enemies attacks. Soba also train to perfect their master technique. This techniques vary from monk to monk and could be striking, defensive, or energy based. Soba often begin training their faun though it is not a rule. No matter what path they take, they never stop testing themselves. Koobari monks are light armored battle-casters. Specializing in hand to hand combat that they utilize for attack or defense, the monks use their koobar technique to increase their natural abilities. Casting their like force draining energy magic to attack their enemies is a double edged sword. Too much casting can leave the monk too weak to defend its self, casting focused monks almost always pair themselves with a healer. The abilities to purge status effects, absorb spell damage, and perform defensive takedowns make the koobari monks powerful defenders for their allies. Whether they focus on attack or defense, all monk strive to find fights that will perfect their techniques.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 18:33:53 +0000

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