Kristen has had a good day again! She was even able to get up out - TopicsExpress


Kristen has had a good day again! She was even able to get up out of bed and walk through the house and sat and watched tv with her baby bro bro, Caleb. :) My Me time didnt go as planned because I was so sleepy once I got out on the road. Did manage to run a few errands, but after about one hour out of the house I could hardly keep my eyes open. So I knew I was more danger to others on the road and the little things could wait. Hopefully tomorrow after hospice comes in to check on Kristen I will be able to go get a little pampering. Eyebrows and pedicure, and I hope I dont fall out of the chair if I fall asleep and embarrass myself. LOL! Hoping to get back to Rosemary soon for another relaxing massage, or either need a Chiropractor to adjust my lower back. Having some problems and I know that is exactly what it is making my legs hurt and ache and go numb. Pray for me to get myself straight so I can keep my own good health to be able to take care of my baby girl. Let me tell you this though... I was able to lay down this afternoon and nap while Caleb and Kristen sat in the living room and watched tv. They told me I was knocked out! Didnt have to take any meds at all! Ray and Caleb both walked in and tried to wake me up and were even talking to me and said I never woke up. I dont remember anything...That was some sleep I needed desperately. Thank God for that much needed rest and sleep! Had another great meal tonight from Cedar Grove - Jerry Howell. Thank you so much for the meal and the love for our family. Thank you Rose Bass for the delicious ice cream cake! And thank you sweet Lindsey Owens Southerland for the box full of goodies. Everyone has just been so good to us! My Dad and I were talking this morning about how much God is blessing us and sending so many people with food and things to help her. God Loves Kristen and my family so much to put so many wonderful friends around us. When we took Kristen up to the 5th floor yesterday to rest in a room while they were getting her ready to go to Radiology, I couldnt help but to look in the rooms as we passed by walking down the hall at all the patients that were laying in the beds with emptiness and no visitors or no one in the room with them to sit and keep them company. It really saddened my heart and filled my eyes with tears, more so because it was the floor my mother was put on 3 years ago to pass away. Thats all I thought about while we were passing each room. Room by room and no family were there to hug and love on these people like we shared with my mother for almost a week. We hardly left her side and she was never left alone. But then I got to thinking. None of these precious people were really alone. God and his angels were all with them. Im so very thankful for all the love and support we are so dearly blessed with. My baby girl gets her strength from all the prayers being said and the love that is pouring out to us.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 03:15:33 +0000

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