Kriya Yoga is an ancient technique for self-realization which is - TopicsExpress


Kriya Yoga is an ancient technique for self-realization which is well known in India. Its a mysterious and fascinating spiritual path. The word Kriya is composed of two syllables, kri and yâ. In Sanskrit, kri means karma dhatu - action of the elements, and yâ means Soul or Atma. The word Kriya indicates action of the Soul or prâna karma. The first and most important action of the Soul is breath. Although Kriya Yoga is done gradually, stage by stage, but it does not necessarily guarantee one of sure success and also the time span required. Many have spent a life time even, without much progress. There are a very few Masters knowing this divine science of ancient India. Sadgurudev Param Hans Swami Nikhileshwaranand ji Maharaj has therefore thrown his divine light on the subject and given Shaktipat Kriya Yoga Deeksha, hence making one reach his ultimate GOAL Siddhashram and the process of self-realization. Kriya sadhana may be thought of as the sadhana of the practice of being in Atman Kriya Yoga is described by its practitioners as the ancient Yoga system. The system consists of a number of levels of Pranayama based on techniques that are intended to rapidly accelerate spiritual development and engender a profound state of tranquility and God-communion. Kriya Yoga is traditionally exclusively learned via the Guru-disciple relationship. Kriya Yoga was well known in ancient India, but was eventually lost, due to priestly secrecy and mans indifference. Lord Krishna refers to Kriya Yoga in the Bhagavad Gita: Offering inhaling breath into the outgoing breath, and offering the outgoing breath into the inhaling breath, the yogi neutralizes both these breaths; he thus releases the life force from the heart and brings it under his control Krishna is referring to Kriya Yoga when Lord Krishna ... relates that it was he, in a former incarnation, who communicated the indestructible yoga to an ancient illuminato, Vivasvat, who gave it to Manu, the great legislator. He, in turn, instructed Ikshwaku, the father of Indias solar warrior dynasty. Patanjali wrote Kriya Yoga consists of body discipline, mental control, and meditating on Aum. And again when he says,Liberation can be accomplished by that pranayama which is attained by disjoining the course of inhalation and exhalation. Kriya entails several acts that have evidently been adapted from the Gita, the Yoga Sutras, Tantra shastras and from conceptions on the Yugas. Kriya Yoga is a scientific art of God, Truth union and Self-Realization. The Kriya Yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve, upward and downward, around the six spinal centers (medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses) which correspond to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man. One half-minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his evolution; that half-minute of Kriya equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment. Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. It is a unique combination of Hatha-Raja-Laya Yoga. It settles the seeker in his natural state in which his body receives instructions only from glands and Chakras. Thought does not interfere as interloper to create psychosomatic problems and pursuits. Kriya Yoga does not tell stories, does not indulge in miracle mongering to keep the seekers amused in poor and paralyzing consolations. Organisations promoting surmises and fictions are stragglers from the path of truth. Kriya Yoga encourages seekers to investigate if experiencer and the experienced can become one unitary movement without any dichotomy whatsoever.Click Here: youtube/playlist?list=PLo6ZpeYNN6rImMZ4hC4ezC0K9KVTzcbVI
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 00:01:56 +0000

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