Kuan Yin: The one who is the receiver of Gods grace is the one - TopicsExpress


Kuan Yin: The one who is the receiver of Gods grace is the one who is also the determiner of that grace. And actually, within your heart and within your Christ Self, there is a communication to the Central Sun of your consciousness and your alignment with the Law. And that communication is like a cosmic telegraph that translates back to the heart of God the energy outpictured in your life. And the return current is always the counterpart, the balance of that energy: Sending forth love, love is recorded by this wireless, and love returns. This, then, is mercy. Sending forth hatred, it is recorded and hatred returns. This too is mercy... Let mankind, then assume responsibility for the law of action, reaction, and interaction, for this is the law of the Sacred Trinity. Let each one, then contemplate himself as a receiver of Lifes blessings. And whatever the blessing - may it come as chastisement, judgment, punishment or new initiation on the Path - let it be understood that, for good or for ill it in the temporary sense, the ultimate gain is that the soul might realize more of the abundant life and of the great consciousness of the I AM THAT I AM. Now, then, if that which you receive from God is not according to your liking, then send him a new signal. A two-way street means a give and take with God. If you expect mercy from God, then give mercy to every part of life. If you expect forgiveness, then forgive 70 x 70. If you would be then, the receiver of the gifts and graces of the Spirit, give them freely and lovingly. ~Teachings of the Ascended Masters The ascended lady master Kuan Yin, also known as the Goddess of Mercy, serves on the Karmic Board of the Great White Brotherhood
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 22:39:42 +0000

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