Kudos to Catholics that have set the pace in this matter by - TopicsExpress


Kudos to Catholics that have set the pace in this matter by pulling out of the umbrella of Christain Association of Nigeria now known as Currency Association of Nigeria(CAN).At a point in time,I wanted to become an atheist but I cant deny the existence of the Almighty God.However,the actions&teachings of the so-called religious leaders is enough to keep many people away from God.If not,what is pastors business with arms deal for the love of God?....Ayo Oritsejafor,you are a big fooool.Lets call a spade a spade and not a big spoon.Most Nigerian pastors has left the vineyard of God to be employed fully in Aso Rock.99% of people parading themselves as messiah from God are doing that due to poverty in the land.Many churches preach 45minutes sermon on Sundays out of which 44minutes is for prosperity and a minute to talk about salvation.This shows our clergy have value for their pocket than the word of God.The big question Nigerians must ask all these prosperity preaching clergy including Oritsejafor is,whose name is on the C.of O of their church?Whose name are the signatory to the bank account of the church?They have all commercialized the name of Jesus Christ.Once everybody is able to get answers to those questions,then christainity will be redefined in Nigeria.Let it be stated that CAN gradually drifted from an organization for christains unity to political appendage.Pastors are imploding,Imams are exploding,all false teachings must eventually collapse due to its weight.Unfortunately,many still want others to interpret the truth for them.Oritsejafor is a disgrace&an embrassment to the christain religion in Nigeria.I wonder why he is still the CAN president.I guess he has canned CAN with his dirty loot,hence the so-called CAN is mut&appears non existent.Most religious leaders are evil from the same pit of hell,profiteering in the name of God.If their prayers were reaching God as they claim,Nigeria should have been a better place to live.Oritsejafor is more of a president himself than an organizational president.He goes around causing so much traffic gridlock with about 30 security operatives,how many does the director of SSS,IGP,GOC etc carry around?If his hands are clean,why carry so much security operatives around as a clergy?.Who is after Adeboye,Catholic pope,etc and most manageable men of God that walks freely without security personel?.Ayo has continually embrasses christains and the only thing he could do to salvage his battered image is to resign,even his own dear political church,let him go back to God and ask for his real talent if God is really with him now.The church came&destroyed native doctors&the remaining smart native doctors changed their normal robes to pastors robe and its business as usual.Just imagine that last week Friday,the Osun State Police Command arrested a pastor,Clement Oyetunde for allegedly burying a human skull at the back of his residence which he also used as a church.They bred corruption from the church.Our clergy are practicing not christs religion but occultic to manipulate thier followers.We all call on Gods name but God himself knows those who belong to his cabal.We can decieve human someday&anytime but certainly not God.I am watching the so-called men of God&what they give out character wise.From my little bible knowledge it sayshe that loves to be rich shall fall into many temptations,for the love of money is the root of all evil.This fake pastor Oritsejafor has been more visible in Aso Rock than in crusade ground.Out of ten richest pastors in the world,six are Nigerians.Almost all of the Nigerian pastors have involved in one scandal or the other.I dont see how a pastor will romance a very corrupt government this closely and still think he will be innocent.I am sure,as I speak,some people still gather to worship God at the temple of that condmned criminal.Is God still exist there?.Unfortunately,many still want others to interprete the truth for them.Religion is an act to reach God.Individuals should have personal encounter with God thats just the basic truth.But the issue of religion combination with exploitation and subsequent scandals will never stop.Not in this generation.Not even in this world,as long as there is that primitive instinct in man to seek the supernatural,to seek wealth and the fear of death is constantly shaken before our eyes,therefore,people will continue to subject themselves to exploitative pastors to use as they like.Someone can use all sorts of names to all brainwashed victims but to me,I dont normally blame most citizens atimes.For example,someone that is terribly sick and that cannot afford to pay the hospital bill due to governments negligence will likely to look for alternative,hence to seek false sickness prophecy.A university graduate of ten years without a single job will look for way out by becoming a compulsory pastor.The problem is with the govt because they are totally weak without accurate focus for the citizens.#FACT#.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 06:18:41 +0000

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