Kulen Monorom shared Pheng Pick Sereypungs - TopicsExpress


Kulen Monorom shared Pheng Pick Sereypungs photo. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=1390454734562690&set=a.1386153281659502.1073741828.100007945302981&type=1&theater Lauk Pha Own VICHEA SAM, Lauk Thach Setha, Lauk PHENG PICK SEREYPUNG. I was very proud and very happy that all of you posted this KPNLF book, which is written by Mr. KONG THANH. My words of today can be backed up by His Excellency SON SOUBERT who is still working inside Cambodia. The name of KPNLF was agreed upon and adopted by many Resistant Fighter Leaders who were located at the KHMER-THAI border resistant and Khmer refugee camps. My late beloved brother Colonel IM CHHOODETH (EOA 10th promotion in Phnom Penh) and another brother Captain PRAK CHHUONG PHA (1st Promotion from KAMBOL Army Officer College and PHUC TUY of American Training Camp in South Vietnam ) and I myself as Military First Lieutenant of ID number 77404 (OTS/3 from ECOLE MILITAIRE KHMER, Phoum Kruos near the Military Airfield in Kampong Chhnang Province) had formed a secret Resistant Force called REACH CHEA SEY in 1976 to oppose KHMER ROUGE organisation on the KHMER-THAI border secret camp called AU BOK on the top of DANGREK MONTAIN RANGE from 1976 to 7th of January, 1979. When Vietnam invaded Cambodia on 7th of January 1979, my late brother Colonel IM CHHOODETH urgently organised to invite His Excellency SON SAN from Paris France to form KPNLF together in March 1979. Therefore, it was my late brother Colonel IM CHHODETH who was the real founder of REACH CHEA SEY secret Resistant Movement first of all and turned to KPNLF on a later stage in March 1979 and more importantly these three movements which consisted of Democratic Kampuchea + KPNLF + Funcinpec agreed to formed a Cambodian Government of Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK) in 1982 at Kula Lumpur, Malaysia which we had just a little bit over 70,000 combined KHMER TROOPS which fought with 200,000 Vietnamese Arm Forces + about 9000 of Mr. Heng Samrin, Pen Sovann PRK troops until Vietnamese troops were broken down and withdrew their troops back to Vietnam in 1989. So from my late beloved brother Colonel IM CHHOODETH strategy since 1976 and with His Excellency Samdech Bovor Setha SON SAN from March 1979 to formed KPNLF onwards + Late Majesty King NORODOM SIHANOUK + His Excellency KHIEU SAMPHAN ( late POL POT), we alerted the whole world about VIETNAM INVADED CAMBODIA to gave us 23rd October, 1991 Paris Peace Agreement and UNTAC facilitated general election in 1993. As I am still a member of the disappearing KPNLF and still respecting His Excellency SON SOUBERT and other Khmer political leaders, if in the future the CNRP and the CPP agree to have a fair KHMER general election again, I would like to ask Samdech Hun Sen, His Excellency Sam Rainsy or perhaps the reappearing again of Prince Norodom Ranariddh to stand as member of Khmer Parliament of any appropriate position which I can directly serve Cambodia again according to my ability among Khmer, because when my beloved late brother Colonel IM CHHOODNTH was still alive we had sworn to GOD among REACH CHEA SEY, later on KPNLF members that every Khmer must not kill our own race as a real KHMER. ALL KHMER RACE MUST BE UNITED GENUINELY TO DEFEND CAMBODIAN TERRITORY AND ALL SORTS OF KHMER CITIZENS WHO LIVE EVERY WHERE AND WHO ARE STILL LIVING ON THIS PLANET EARTH. I would appreciate it if all of you can tell me how I can obtain a few of these KPNLF books. Regards, Woodhy Chamron KPNLFs member https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=1390454734562690&set=a.1386153281659502.1073741828.100007945302981&type=1&theater
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:45:13 +0000

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