Kultour cites UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity - TopicsExpress


Kultour cites UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity in the face of Section 18C Repeal Source: Kultour Kultour urges the Australian Government to show leadership and courage on the issue of racism to ensure that there is no opportunity to support tolerance for racial discrimination or vilification in this country. To this end Kultour supports the Federation of Ethic Communities’ Councils of Australia’s (FECCA) and their submission responding to the proposed amendments to the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (RDA). Kultour agrees with the concerns raised by FECCA and their position to strongly oppose the exposure draft, Freedom of Speech (Repeal of S.18C) Bill 2014. FECCA urges the Government to withdraw it, with a view to maintaining racial vilification provisions in the RDA as a minimum standard, as does Kultour. “We believe in the values of social inclusion, cultural and creative diversity, engagement, education, participation and exemplar practice and support the principles of the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity,” said Kultour CEO Julie Tipene-O’Toole. Kultour supports a creative and inclusive Australia by advocating for greater national representation of artists from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds across the arts. “As part of our role in terms of advancing cultural diversity, we recognize that we can’t achieve the outcomes of greater representation for culturally diverse art and artists on our own, and neither can the sector without the support and recognition of the Australian Government. Nor can true creativity exist in a society where racial vilification is accepted as a right,” said Julie Tipene-O’Toole. “When we come back to the structural basics of our society, we know that one in four people are born overseas, we identify with 800 heritages and we speak over 300 languages. That is the basis of Australia’s most defining characteristic, its diversity of cultures. Isn’t this worth protecting?” said Julie Tipene-O’Toole. Kultour is the national organisation that works to advance cultural diversity in the arts in Australia. The organisation’s vision is that by 2016 there is greater representation of culturally diverse artists across all art forms, more educated audiences that demand culturally diverse arts offerings and more culturally diverse work available nationally across all art forms. - See more at: creativefoyer.au/inform/articulatefriday#sthash.H5G43Aae.dpuf
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 11:01:44 +0000

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