Kumkum Bhagya 6th August 2014 Written Episode The episode starts - TopicsExpress


Kumkum Bhagya 6th August 2014 Written Episode The episode starts with Akash meeting Pragya and says he is concerned about Rachna. He tried to spoke to her many times, but she did not speak to him. He asks Pragya to help him. Pragya says Rachana is an intelligent girl, she will not go to the place where she does not want to and says she cannot help him.Mamaji and his son comes and says Pragya that he has come as a caterer today. Pragya says there is no need for him to be formal. Mama says relationship and work is different and asks daadi howmany people will come for the ceremony tonight. She says around 40 close relatives. Mama goes to kitchen.Aaliya informs that Purab is not reachable and he did not send mehandi. Sarla and family reaches for the ceremony. Aaliya takes Bulbul to her room and informs her about Purab missing.Bulbul tells her about the shopping mall incident where Purab’s aunty referred her as bahu and says she will speak to Purab and bring him, else Abhi and Aaliya will ruin her life. Tanu and Aaliya enter the room and hear Purab’s name. Aaliya thinks Pragya is consipiring something with her sister to get away Puran from her. Sarla sees Pragya with Bulbul and takes Bulbul with her to kitchen.Aaliya informs Abhi that Pragya is conspiring something. Abhi drags Pragya to their room and asks what did she say Purab that he is not picking his and Aaliya’s call. She says did not. He asks her to call him, if he picks, then it means you are conspiring. Pragya calls Purab, Abhi asks him where is he. Purab says he is at his home.Purab introduces his family to dadi.Abhi says Pragya that Purab took your phone, that means you are conspiring something. Aaliya dragsPurab with him and ask where was he. Daadi spots them and asks Purab about mehandi. He says it is with his aunt. Aunt gives mehandi to Daadi who happily accepts it.Cousin daadis see Aaliya being applied mehandi and jokes let us see how much Purab loves her, if it is dark, then he loves her more. Aaliya asks to apply thick mehandi as she wants it dark.Cousin daadi asks guests to start song and she starts dancing with daadi. All daadi’s including Pragya’s daadi start dancing on song with guests.Purab asks Abhi about his accident case. Abhi says small accidents happen. Purab asks him to inform him if he needs help. Abhi says he will definitely ask if he needs help and asks him to go and be with Pragya.Cousin daadi jokes with Aaliya to apply mehandi regularly as it means controlling husband, like Pragya controls Abhi. Aaliya and Tanu gets annoyed hearing that. Tanu jokes Aaliya to keep the mehandi long and says she will inscribe Abhi’s initial and says let us see homuch he loves her. Bulbul hears that and gets annoyed. She informs about that to Pragya and asks her to do something, else she will flew away with Abhi. Cousin daadi sees Tanu inscribing A and asks whose initial it is. Tanu says it is her boyfriend’s initial and his name is Abhishek. Dadi asks who isAbhishek. Tanu says he is my art director, he gave me breaks and is now her boyfriend. Cousin daadi jokes he gave break and she trapped him, if he she would have trapped someone else. Aaliya asks her to stop joking.Bulbul says Pragya that she wll teach a lesson to Tanu. She checks Tanu’s mehandi and says it is looking great. She says with sugar water, it will get dark and pours sugar water. Mehandi gets spoiled, Tanu asks mehandi lady to apply her once more. Lady says once it is applied, she cannot apply another time until colour fades away.Daadi asks Pragya to apply mehandi and asks Abhi to sit with Pragya holding her hand while she gets mehandi inscribed as she will get hand pain. Abhi gets irked, but agrees. He jokes with Pragya and applogizes. Daadi asks him again to hold Pragya’s hand and he obliges, Daadi smilesseeing that. Abhi tries to spoil the design by trying to distract Pragya’sattention. He pierces pin. Bulbul sees that and says Abhi that his today’s love quota is finished today.She asks mehandi lady to inscribe Abhi’s name Pragya’s hand as he loves her a lot. Abhi gets annoyed seeing his initial on Pragya’s hand. Precap: Purab’s aunt says she can see he loves Bulbul and he best pairs with only Bulbul..
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 18:46:13 +0000

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