Kundalini Phenomena - The Halo & The Golden Helmet - written by - TopicsExpress


Kundalini Phenomena - The Halo & The Golden Helmet - written by Chrism Like the Uraeus, the halo is another manifestation of the Kundalini on the physical body and can be felt. It will often be felt as if a band is around the entire skull. Sometimes it can feel as if it is spiking at the top of the skull or fontanel and also at the front of the forehead. Flashes of color and a pressure extending around the head are usually present. This has ties to an activated sixth and seventh chakra, the aspects of which are very many. Just know that this is normal and one need only look at any religious iconography to understand how tuned in to this aspect the ancients were. Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Angels, Saints all had the halo, golden and extending out from the body. This emanation was often confined to the head or the torso but was represented and seen from the entire being, which is the real truth of the matter imho. The Golden color was no mere ornamentation. Kundalini will express as gold and silver when it is in active awakened status. Gold = masculine and Silver = feminine. Not to be confused with the abundance of light and color as emitted from the Seventh Chakra. This is different and will contain many colors predominantly purple and crystalline hues with gold and silver highlights seen as sparks swirling around. Earned or Gifted - We all have the potential for the expression and as we come into an expression of that potential we demonstrate the Halo or Corona. It is earned or gifted. Depends upon the individual path. In most cases one needs to come intentionally into the state where expression of the Halo can be felt and seen. In this this way it is earned. The Inner Sun externalized- White is the spiritual and the gold represents the persons ascendancy or acquisition of the ascendant platform. The base metal or prima materia to the gold or highest spiritual evolution for the physical form. As far as the shape it takes it is that of the halo. The inner Sun externalized. Temples should feel a pressure on both sides as well as a pressure extending from the inside out at the brow of points. Typically it is pointing outward and upward and is a matter of time and the works that you do with these gifts. Outward towards those of your nature, upward towards God. Also the incoming and outgoing of information and experience is another aspect of this part of the Kundalini expression of the higher chakras. The Golden helmet- The Golden Helmet is referring to the outlines of energy that follow across the forehead, to the temples, down to the ears and to the nape of the neck. Inside this perimeter is tactile with energy or sometimes only the perimeter is felt. This is often in conjunction with a bump at the bridge of the nose or brow of points that can be felt but not with your fingers; only with the inner areas of physical perception will you feel this symptom. It comes and goes at first then it can be consciously brought on at will. Whereas the Golden helmet will indicate an outline of the crown often following the hairline, the Corona or Halo will extend out and often upwards. It can cause a feeling of having the top of the head removed. NOT painful! It’s just not felt anymore - it is radiance. What is felt is a sense of expansion. This isn’t tactile as in the senses of the physical body. It goes beyond the five senses and into the supra senses or gifted senses of which there is an entire array. But not like the physical sense array. So try not to make comparisons before the bridge being built by the Kundalini has been established. Just feel it and welcome it and thank God for the gift that is being given! Show this gratitude by helping another. - written by Chrism
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 04:49:13 +0000

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