Kung Fu Life: Kung Fu Life is a term coined by the late Grand - TopicsExpress


Kung Fu Life: Kung Fu Life is a term coined by the late Grand Master, Moy Yat - a student of Ip Man. This phrase refers to how we live our kung fu in everything we do in our daily lives. Its about being genuine, self control, compassion, respect, good communication, solving issues...etc. It is important as a kung fu practitioner and representative of a kung fu family to live and represent our knowledge, skill, understanding, and experience with the appropriate type and amount of respect. Most of these aspects in Kung Fu culture are unspoken and abstract rules that only the most experienced know and fully understand. To the advanced student, it can be thought of as a form of living chi sau, which is a special drill and skill-set focused on understanding how to bridge anothers boundaries. We must be able to change and adapt and put out the right type and amount of energy at the appropriate time and space. Everything we do falls within this context. Five Martial Art Activities: The martial arts can be broken down into five major areas: 1) Wisdom and Personal Development: Self-Improvement of Body, Mind/Emotions, and Spirit (at the meta-physical level) 2) Health and Fitness: Nutrition, Exercise and Rest at a Physical level 3) Self-Defense and Combat: The emphasis of Self-Defense in the martial arts is on having high-level skill-set where a practitioner can take away an opponents ability to fight. Self-Defense is concerned with everything you can do to remain safe prior to, and the necessary knowledge and skill to survive and thrive in the face of, life-and-death challenges and physical conflict with another person or persons. Self-Defense is broken into two parts: a. Strategic - concerned with Concepts, Planning and Covert operations b. Tactical - concerned with Techniques, Skills, and Overt operations 4) Sports and Games: Martial Arts contests designed to test skill and ability under structured rules against a resisting opponent, with safety assured through rules, safety gear, weight classes and more. 5) Art and Entertainment: Martial Arts training for the pure joy of expressing the myriad movements of the human body with little-to-no actual application skill. Together, the Five Martial Arts Activities cover the depth and breadth of training in the martial arts community. The focus of the Shaolin Wing Chun and Hung Lung Sin Fu Faat Mun Paai system at Mengs is on the first three activities, known together as the Shaolin Treasures. The three treasures are traditional and Mengs are also very good with the modern day activities of 4 and 5 also.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 03:55:07 +0000

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