Kunthy Sam if you have time, please read this one and give some - TopicsExpress


Kunthy Sam if you have time, please read this one and give some comment. :) A full moon shined to bright the dark sky and millions of stars tried to compete their brightness, most people were enjoying their time with their family member after a long day of working. There it was a big villa in Phnom Penh Thmey. All the family reunited together to discuss about the big event that would be take place next month. “Dad, can I invite all my friends to join brother wedding?” Nimol who was the second daughter in the family asked her dad. There were five members in the family, two girls and three boys. Next month, it would be her eldest brother wedding, Panhna who was a CEO in one private company in Phnom Penh. Therefore, the family members were very excited. The day came and passed. Next month was just a blink of eyes. The day of the wedding arrived. Everybody was very happy. The bride, Nita, was very beautiful. Her beauty shined like a star in the sky. The event went very smooth. In the evening it was a time that the bride and bride groom cut the cake, the laughter and smile all over the restaurant “Take care each other, no matter what happen I wish you both will stay together until the end of your life” Dad of Nimol talked to Panhna. Everybody in the restaurant enjoyed there dancing after the cut cake event. Not soon afterward, the wedding was over. In the first three months, the whole family was full of happiness. But thing started to become strange and strange. One evening Nimol’s mother talked to his eldest brother “I don’t mean to delve into your family private life but son you should talk to your wife. I think she spend a lot of money on useless things. Moreover, she always out when you go to work. She rarely stays at home.” Panhna did not feel surprise when he heard that “she might hang out with her friends or go to hair salon. Mother, you think a lot.” Then Panhna smile to his mother and walked away into his room. Inside Panhna’s room, there was his wife sat in front of dressing table applying her lotion to her body when Panhna came in. “do you have a nice day at work, honey?” Nita asked “Just like a normal day, but today I felt a little bit tired.” Hearing like that, Nita walked toward her husband who sat on the mattress and did some massage for her husband. “Do you feel better now?” “I always feel better when you stay near me” reply Panhna. “How sweet you are my dear.” She was giggling “ Honey, I want to change a new phone” “Change it then, I just gave you 1000$ a few days ago. Didn’t I?” “Yes, but I almost run out.” Without asking why she spent money so fast, Panhna took out his wallet and give her 800$ more. Time always flied and day always passed. Nimol who was the second daughter in the family and a fourth year student at Royal University of Cambodia, couldn’t tolerate with her sister-in-law’s behavior anymore. One Sunday morning she decided to talk with her brother. She went into the back yard of the house where her brother was sitting under the swing and reading the newspaper. “Brother, I think we need to talk about your wife” his brother was very surprise because Nimol talked to him with a very serious facial expression. “Come and sit down little princess. You look so serious, you make me scare” her brother talk with a funny facial expression. “Brother, please I’m serious. And I cannot stand to see my brother acts like a fool anymore” she started to feel a little bit angry when she thought of the thing she was going to talk about. Panha “Ok, Ok what do you want to talk to me?” “Brother, I don’t know why you can withstand with your wife or she uses some black magic on you. She spent a lot of money every month. You know it is already extreme. She never stays at home except when you are at home. Moreover, I used to see her go inside the Naga world. She might play gamble. You should think about it.” “I don’t really know why everybody in the house always see the negative points of my wife. Why don’t you guys try to see some the positive points about her?” Panhna replied in annoying mood. “But you should think about it, we love you that why we always warn you. I know you can earn several thousand dollars per month but if you don’t believe me, someday she will bring a bad fortune to you.” The conversation seemed to be tenser. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” Then Panhna walked away with annoying feeling. Nimol shouted after her brother, “Brother I want you good.” Nimol thought that love was blind. How come her brother who has high education but still not sensible enough to judge her sister-in-law. After that nobody talked about this kind of thing anymore because no matter what the family said, Panhna never used his ears to listen. The more the family tried to warn him, the more the distance between his family and him. A few months later, in the late Sunday evening “Dad, do you see my wife? I haven’t seen her since this morning.” Asked Panhna. “I have no idea about your beautiful wife without brain.” “Dad how come you said like that! At least she is your daughter-in-law” His father shrugged his shoulder then Panhna walked away with unpleasant face. There outside the house played the youngest sister in the garden. Suddenly, she noticed something strange outside the gate of the house then she ran inside the house and shout “Mom, Dad, Mom, Dad there are many police cars outside our house and a lot of polices in front our house.” Then all the family members in the house ran out to see what happen. Nimol’s father opened the gate and asked one of the police officer who tried to ring the bell. “May I ask what happen? Why you and your fellow come to my house like that?” “I want to meet Mr. Panhna” said the police officer. Panhna who stood behind his father after hearing like that he came forward with puzzling facial expression. He never had conflict with others or did anything wrong at all. Panhna said “Me. What happened?” the police went on and said “ Someone sued you. Now we would like you to come with us”. At that, moment Panhna’s face became blank. He was very shock. He asked police with unbelievable sound “Sue me? About what? I didn’t remember I did anything wrong?” Suddenly the police took out a piece of paper from his pocket and show it to Panha then said “They sue you about borrow their money and didn’t return back” “I didn’t borrow anyone money. You might confuse.” Panhna protested. “But here your signature and your finger print” police said. Seeing his signature and finger print on the paper, he was stunned. A light of flashback came into his mine. One week ago when he came back from work, his wife talked to him that she wanted to rent a store in Olympic market because she didn’t want to stay at home and always asked him for money. He was very glad to hear that. Panhna thought that if his wife had a job, so his family would not distaste her anymore. “Honey, but you need to sign this document for me. The contract between the market owner and me.” Said Nita. “why didn’t you sign by yourself?” asked Panhna “ Because I put your name as a renter, just sign the papers I read already. You don’t need to read again. Truth me my dear” Nita smile to her husband then hug him from behind and kissed his cheek. Because he loved his wife so much and truth his wife from head to toe, he just read the first page without go through all the pages. He signed all the documents. Back to present time, His heart and soul were melting away for he knew that his wife had deceived him. It was as a thousand of knife insert into his heart. He treated his wife nicely for both physical and mental treatment. He did hard work and sacrificed many things just to satisfy his wife. Contrary to what he had thought, to what he expected that his wife was an elegant woman and a nice housewife, She was just a girl which had only beauty and spoiled heart. Now the police came to bring him into the court in a charge of not paying back money of his wife debts. He went with the police officers and all the family members in the house were very shock. It was an unbelievable situation. Nimol’s mother became unconciouse when the police officer took her brother away. The next day in court, the judge provide two choices for him. He could choose to either pay all the debt or go into prison. By giving away his parents’ house and cars to the debt owner rather than staying in the jail. Nothing left besides a regret of being cheated by his loving wife. A hardship not only happened to him but also his family members. The whole family needed to force themselves to leave the house where it used to bring their family a warm shelter and happiness. Everything in that house became one part of the memory that could not ever forget. Panhna’s family lost everything and this brought his family a very big shame that a high-class family like them had never experienced before. They rented a small house, living with four members excluding Panha who left them since that problem had happened and no one knew where he went or even about his life. In the other hand, the devil woman, Nimol sister-in-law, who should not exist in this world, disappeared just like a flash of light. As a matter of fact, a big responsibility dropped to Nimol who was the second child in the family after her eldest brother. “I need to find a job and our family will be better like before.” Nimol cried to her mother. Because of this tragedy, Nimol’s parents became ill. In meantime, she just graduated from Royal University of Law and Economy, majoring in law. She could not find a better job than working as the full-time staff in a small company and working another part-time job as a waiter in a restaurant. She worked all day and night just to make sure she could get more money to support her family. She got main responsibilities in spending all the expense within her family. She met many problems; discriminated by her relatives, held main responsibility as a breadwinner, solve all problems, stood strong to give emotional support to each family members. Even she was in the tough time, she never thought of giving up. Increasingly, she determined to find a better job, earn a lot money to support her family and make sure her family live in harmony. By 2013, a big opportunity arrived. She was offered a job as civil officer in ……. ministry. Working about two years, she was promoted as a sub manager in her department due to her hard working. Nimol’s life seemed to change gradually. Nimol could fit her family well. She even could buy a small house and afford for everything in the house. Through determination, high commitment, and good attitude she could bring back family happiness, which this regarded as the great thing that she has ever made.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 13:54:33 +0000

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