Kunzima lento yezi open letters AN OPEN LETTER FROM SIBONELO - TopicsExpress


Kunzima lento yezi open letters AN OPEN LETTER FROM SIBONELO NOMVALO TO THE EASTERN PS AND DPS OF SASCO Dear Constable Clarity Zigcina and Detective Tembani Zimasa Makata I forward this to you former SASCO comrades without any bellicose hoping that this brief and candid letter will come to your attention in due time and receive your attention fully and expeditiously. The aforementioned salutation will further be justified in detail through further advancements of this letter and surely a reasonable informed protagonist will approve it without any fear of contradiction. I call you former SASCO comrades being informed by documented evidence that you are not registered students in 2013 hence your views are no longer sacrosanct in our internal proceedings. Since you permanently subscribe to factionalism you might be convinced that this letter is borne out of anger and frustration due to anti organizational and unethical instructions you gave to your branch stooges to cease my membership and scratch off my name in the database with an intention to make me appear as a non member and ultimately do not qualify to be deployed to the SRC. Fortunately you are mindful of the fact that I joined the student movement when it was not fashionable to be its members in my branch and I served it as its activist to a remarkable victory. Therefore I won’t disappear in student politics because of your cheap endeavours to discredit me. Being reprimanded in public is humiliating enough but I won’t succumb to that because I understand the essence of organisational discipline, democratic centralism and I am always willing to swallow my pride with the interest of imputing my character to the organizational principles. I always cherish a desire to stability and a sustained mutual political encounter on the issues that affect the lives of troubled students. It was going to be better if you were doing this entire contra bonos mores in the ward committees because that is where you qualify to lead. I don’t know why you apply this police brutality in our organization This brings me to the main issue I wish to raise with you. You often speak with determined voices, raising issues that bedevil lives of students. You even cultivate and intensify your PEC inputs by raising your hands and throwing your fists in the air when you speak, you do not do such because of honest enthusiasm but you do it with wrong impressions, among those is to hallucinate that you will be counted as the ones who fought for the betterment of our organization. You witness from the distant margins that through your recklessness and because you are naive our beloved gigantic student movement deviates from the decorum of what it must uncompromisingly stands for to be overwhelmed by petty squabbles which you inject from time to time. When the membership holistically attempts to summon and call you into order you fail to endure, relent and submit yourselves to organizational provisions, discipline and ethos. You are aggrieved because your branch stooges did not even meet the threshold in the nomination BGMs, of which the agreement you made, over a battle of beer in a bar room, with them is that they must only meet the threshold for them to access the corridors of power. The majority of the membership has proven you wrong but still you advance all possible means to do what is contra to its will. Constable Clarity went to watch SATICA in Durban in July with the current Fort Hare president whom He wanted to impose for a second term. The unfortunate part is that they were using a Fort Hare vehicle (gold corolla) to even during liquor and to perform all personal activities. Bear in mind that Constable Clarity is not even a student of Fort hare but He had grounds to benefit from our finances which our parents sweat to pay. I deeply lament the gross misconduct occurred in the BGMs of both Alice and East London which was perpetuated through your blessings community members. I am still yet to be convinced why you continue to suppress views which ring true and reverberate throughout a troubled generation. We are well informed of the fact that you are at the helm of ruining the organization to secure your narrow ambitions for the upcoming congresses. To achieve the latter you get rid of everyone who appears as an obstacle even those who contribute the most in our organization, you reward those who buy your views with deployments. In the moment of stress, one of your branch stooges vomited his secret with the PEC after being squandered in the nomination BGM, we do have the recordings of such utterances. Please Constable Zigcina and Detective Makata leave our organization with peace; there are capable legitimate students who can lead their own organization. Stop demanding more than you deserve and bring back SASCO to its owners. We can assist you to look for a job if you want and we can offer SAPS forms to you. Restrain your pre-occupation, greediness and factionalism for our own sake. History will be left with no option but to judge you very harsh Kind Regards. Cde S Nomvalo Fort Hare East London Branch [email protected] 0780145339
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 16:18:05 +0000

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