Kurdustan BarbicanEnglish language in Iraq سلاماااا - TopicsExpress


Kurdustan BarbicanEnglish language in Iraq سلاماااا من الله عليكم ورحمته وبركااااااته ///هديه مني اسئله للسااااادس الاعدادي اتمنئ ان تنال رضاكم واعجابكم ///مع حبي وتقديري العبيدي الانيق//اختصاص انكليزي ترجمه فوريه ///العبيدي الانيق //:: . Note : Answer All the questions : Q1: Scan this text : . Mr. Smith used to drive a taxi . A short time ago , he became a bus driver . He is finding his new work far more exciting . When he was driving along a busy street in London , he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car . One of them was carrying a bag full of money . Mr. Smith acted quickly and drove the bus straight at the thieves . The one with the money was so afraid that he dropped the bag . As the thieves were trying to get away in their car , Mr. Smith drove his bus into the back of it .While the damaged car was moving away ,Mr. Smith stopped his bus and telephoned the police. Shortly afterwards ; the police stopped the car and arrested the thieves . Now answer FIVE of the following questions . ( 10m ) العبيدي الاني 1- What happened in London ? 2- What did Mr. Smith do to stop the thieves ? 3- Why did the thief with the bag drop it ? 4- How did the police know ? 5- Could the thieves escape ? 6- What is the text about ? Reading comprehension : (10 MARKS (Choose 5 only ) ( 10m) Q2: Answer or complete the following with information from your text book : 1- Why was Mustafa’s mother unconscious ? 2- What is a radar detector ? 3- When Mustafa couldn’t help his mother , he …………….. 4- Samira read about the subject of oil in order to …………….. 5- Police departments don’t use radar guns anymore . ( True or False ) 6- Interpreters must have three active languages . ( True or False ) Grammar and Function : ( 20 MARKS ) Q3.A: Do as required : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5m) 1- This is a new computer , So I think it is faster than the other one . ( Use. should to express expectation ) 2- I asked her “ When did you lose your bag ?’’ ( Reported question ) العبيدي الانيق 3- He looked outside because he heard a noise . ( informal passive ) 4- Smoking is terrible . You should / give / up / it . ( Put the object in the correct order ) 5-Doctors ( well-trained ) they used to be . ( Compare .Use. than ) 6-Unfortunately, they didn’t train everyday . That’s why they lost the match.(Regret starting with :if only ) Q3.B: Choose the correct choice : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5m) 1- Please put out your cigarette. You ( must , mustn’t , needn’t ) smoke in the police station . 2- They ( fly , flew , were flying ) to London to choose cloth two days ago . 3- I saw a very ( excite , excited , exciting ) film on TV last night . 4- I’ve met her ( a few , a little , much ) times . 5- He ( got , made , had ) his nose broken in a fight . العبيدي الانيق 6- The story was ( beautifully , beautiful , beauty ) told . Q3.C: Make sentences giving advice and making requests , suggestions and offers . Use the phrases (1-6 ) below . ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5m) 1- give me your passport . 2- help you with your baggage 3- keep your passport in a safe place . 4- see your ticket . 5- get some drinks too . 6- go to the shops before the plane leaves . Q3.D: Use the prompts to complete the sentences , using the correct conditionals , used to , past simple and past continuous : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5m) 1- What would we have done if our car ( break down ) in the desert ? 2- She ( wear ) glasses but now she has contact lenses. 3- A thief took our clothes while we ( swim ) . 4- I was thinking about you and then you ( ring ) me . 5- If you found a snake in your bed , what ( you/ do) 6- If it’s raining tomorrow , we ( not go ) for a picnic . Vocabulary : ( 10 MARKS ) Q4.A: Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box . ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5m) . العبيدي الاني . qualifications , pilot , sneezes , pay , solo , footprints , career 1- Captain Ali has been a ……………… for ten years . 2- We often say : Bless you , when someone ……………. . 3- ………….. can tell you what type of shoes a thief was wearing . 4- When I left school I had few ………. , but I got a good job after taking a computer course . العبيدي الانيق 5- You must …………… a fine when you get a ticket . 6- How did you feel on your first …………… flight ? Q4.B:Match the words and the phrases in List (A) with their definitions in List (B). . العبيدي (Choose 5 only) (5m) List : A List : B 1- a cartoonist 2- baggage 3- investigate 4- civilian 5- unattended 6- paramedics a- get information about a crime . b- medical helpers (not doctors or nurses ) c- without someone looking after it . d- someone who draws amusing pictures . e- bags and suitcases that carry your possessions on a journey f- outside the military Spelling : ( 5 MARKS ) Q4.C: Complete the following with correctly spelt words : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5m) 1- correct , incorrect , pleasant , …………….. 2- co. , company , exp. , ……………… 3- big , bigger , dangerous, …………. 4- be , been , grow , ……………. 5- excite , ( excited , exciting ), peace , …………. 6- joint in the arm = e…………….. . Literature Focus : (10 MARKS ) Q5.Answer and complete the following according to the text “The Swing” . ( Choose 5 only) (10m) 1- In two lines What does “ The Swing’’ tell us about ? 2- Sattar came to his friend’s house to …………… 3- What moral lessons does the writer try to give in “The Swing’’ ? 4- Mohammed Khudhair achieved fame in the middle east after publishing his two short stories “ The Swing’’ and ………………… 5- Give suitable meaning for ( a- vanish , b-crude ) 6- The visitor described the child’s father as ……………. . Writing : ( 15 MARKS ) Q6: Choose either (A) or (B ) A: Write 100 to 120 words on the advantages of studying English in Britain . These notes may help you : • you can hear people speaking English all day , in many different situations • lots of opportunities to practice speaking , especially if staying with a British family • watch TV and films in English and listen to radio • read English newspapers , advertisements , notices • observe British way of life • possibly stay with British family B: Write an e-mail of 100-120 words telling a friend about a company you have recently set up with a friend or relative . This company could be producing one of the following : jewellery , cosmetics , perfume , food or footwear . Your e-mail must be three paragraphs : Teacher of English Saman alobaidy العبيدي الانيق In the name of God . 6th Clas Mid-Year Examination in English 23rd Jan, 2014 . 1st attempt العبيدي الانيقpreparatory school for Boys & Girls Time : 2 Hours Literary Study Note : Answer All the questions : Q1: Scan this text : . Last month , there was a serious fire in some office in High Street . The fire brigade was called at once . They did their best to control the fire and that took a long time . A young secretary in one of the office was badly hurt on both arms . An ambulance was called at once and the secretary was taken to hospital . Two doctors looked after her and later they said that she would soon get better . The police believed that the fire was caused by a visitor to the office . The visitor had probably dropped a burning match carelessly into a waste paper basket . The basket caught fire and soon the whole building was fire . Now answer FIVE of the following questions . ( 10m ) 1- Where did the fire break out ? 2- Who controlled the fire ? 3- The fire was caused by a ( a- visitor b- doctors c- secretary ) 4- In line 3 , The verb “hurt’’ means : ( a- alerted b- injured c- occurred 5- Where was the secretary taken ? 6- Where did the visitor probably drop the burning match ? Reading comprehension : (10 MARKS (Choose 5 only ) ( 10m) Q2: Answer or complete the following using information from your text book : 1- How did Mustafa try to wake his mother up ? العبيدي 2- How does a radar speed gun work ? 3- After leaving school, Samira did …………………. , then ………………... . 4- Mustafa’s mother suffers from ……………. 5- Radar guns don’t need any maintenance . ( True / False ) 6- It is very easy to get a place on an interpreting course . ( True / False ) Grammar and Function : ( 20 MARKS ) Q3.A: Do as required : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5m) 1- I’ve studied hard for the test , So I think I’ll pass . ( Use: should to express expectation 2- The leaves fell because of the wind . ( informal passive ) 3- I asked him “ Do you know ?’’ ( Reported question ) العبيدي 4- I’ll turn /down /it / in a minute . ( Put the object in the correct order ) 5- Doctors ( expensive ) they used to be . ( Compare use. as……. as ) 6- Unfortunately, I ate three bars of chocolate . That’s why I felt sick . ( Regret starting with: I wish ) Q3.B: Choose the correct choice : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5m) 1- You ( needn’t , mustn’t , have to ) pick me up in the car. I’ll get the bus . 2- Last year , I ( move , moved , was moving ) to a smaller house . 3- He’s a very ( bore , boring , bored ) person , He never stops talking . 4- Hurry up , There isn’t ( many , much , little ) time before the bus leaves . 5- I ( had , got , made ) my television stolen . 6-She is a ( care , carefully , careful ) driver . Q3.C: Make sentences giving advice and making requests , suggestions and offers . Use the phrases (1-6 ) below . ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5m) 1- stay here with the bags if you want . 2- get me an orange soda . 3- Put your bag on the conveyor belt . 4- take a taxi to the airport . 5- always have your bag with you . 6- a cup of tea . Q3.D: Use the prompts to complete the sentences , using the correct conditionals , used to , past simple and past continuous : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5m) العبيدي 1- If I ( be ) you , I wouldn’t ask his advice about any thing . 2- She ( not talk ) so much , But now She never stops talking . 3- She told us to be quiet as we ( make ) too much noise . 4- I was cleaning my room and I ( find ) £ 30 under my bed . العبيدي الانيق 5- If you are offered a place at Carnegie university , ( you / accept ) it ? 6- If we ( leave ) a little earlier , we wouldn’t have missed the bus . . Vocabulary : ( 10 MARKS ) Q4.A: Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box . ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5m) . . canteen , course , install , broken , dizzy , architect , maintain 1- I feel ……….. . I think I’m going to faint 2- Who designed that amazing building ? My uncle . He is a famous ……………. . 3- I’ll need someone who knows computer to ………….. the software . 4- I’m hungry . Let’s have lunch in the college ………….. 5- Your car mustn’t have ………… lights . 6- I’m thinking of doing an English …………. at Birchwood college . Q4.B:Match the words and the phrases in List (A) with their definitions in List (B). . العبيدي (Choose 5 only (5m) List : A List : B 1- empty 2- laws 3- arrest 4- spilling 5-sergeon 6- join a- operates on people in hospital . b- put someone in a prison c- become a member of d- there is nothing in it e- rules that everybody in the country must follow f- dropping ( water , milk , etc. ) Spelling : ( 5 MARKS ) Q4.C: Complete the following with correctly spelt words : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5m) 1- happy , unhappy , moral , ………… 2- yrs. , years , freq. , …………… 3-fast , faster , violent , ………….. 4- do , did , spend , …………… 5- seat , seat belt , speed , ………….. 6- joint in the leg = K……….. . Literature Focus : (10 MARKS ) Q5.Answer and complete the following according to the text “The Swing” . ( Choose 5 only) (10m) 1- Discuss how the visitor tried to convey his message. 2-Sattar and Haleema ate ……………… before lunch . 3- Mohammed Kudhair has won many prizes , including ,…………… and ……………… . 4- What does the story “ The Swing’’ stress on ? 5- Give a suitable meaning for ( a- sway , b- condemnation ) 6- 1967 , …………………. . Writing : ( 15 MARKS ) Q6: Choose either (A) or (B ) A: Write 100 to 120 words on this topic : “Cigarette advertising should be illegal’’ These questions may help you . • How harmful are cigarette to the health of smokers and passive smokers ? • Where can cigarette advertisements be seen ? Who sees them ? Do children and young people see them ? • What sort of message do cigarette advertisements give ? Do they show successful , popular , attractive people smoking ? Do they mention the dangers of smoking ? • Are young people easily influenced ? Could they be influenced by cigarette advertisements ? How common is smoking among young people ? العبيدي الانيق B: Ahmed wants to be a security guard . He is meeting the manager of the security company tomorrow morning at 9:00. It takes thirty minutes to go from his house to the security company . The manager sent him directions and a map . Write a letter to Ahmed of 100-120 words giving him advice on how to get the job . Write two paragraphs . • Paragraph 1 : advice on getting to the interview العبيدي • Paragraph 2 : advice on the interview ; what to wear / say , etc. Teachers of English ااالعبيدي الانيق In the name of God . 6th Class The typical answers of Mid-Year questions 23rd , Jan, 2014 . 1st attempt //saman alobaidy////preparatory school for Boys & Girls Time : 2 Hours . Scientific Study العبيدي الانيق Q1: 1- In London two thieves rushed out of a shop and run towards a waiting car 2- He acted quickly and drove the bus straight at the thieves . 3- He dropped it because he was so afraid . 4- The police knew from the damaged car . 5- No , they couldn’t 6- “Mr. Smith and the two thieves’’ Q2: 1- Mustafa’s mother was unconscious because the level of sugar in her blood drop too low . 2- It’s a machine that detects radar guns . 3- he decided to call the emergency services . 4- get familiar with the technical terms 5- false 6- false Q3.A: 1- This is a new computer , so it should be faster than the other one . 2- I asked her when she had lost her bag . 3- The noise made him look outside . 4- Smoking is terrible . You should give it up 5- Doctors are better trained than they used to be . 6- If only They had trained everyday . Q3.B: 1- mustn’t 2- flew 3- exciting 4- a fe 5- had 6- beautifully Q3.C: 1- Can you give me your passport , please ? 2- I’ll help you with your baggage 3- You should keep your passport in a safe place . 4- Can I see your ticket , please ? 5- Let’s get some drinks too . 6- Shall we go to the shop before the plane leave . Q3.D: 1- had broken down 2- used to wea 3- we were swimming 4- rang 5- would you do 6- won’t go Q4. A: 1- pilot 2- sneezes 3- footprints 4- qualifications 5- pay 6- solo Q4.B: 1- d 2-e 3-a 4-f 5-c 6- b Q4.C: 1- unpleasant 2- experience 3- more dangerous 4- grown 5- peaceful 6-elbow Q5- 1- It tells us about a soldier , Sattar , Who has just returned from the hell of war carrying a message for the family of his friend . His friend , Ali , was killed in a battle , leaving his mother , his wife and his little daughter, Haleema . 2- to inform Haleema and her family that his friend Ali left forever , though he left honourably . 3- The writer wants to stress that war destroys every things . It leads to nothing but death , deprivation and destruction . He also wants to invite us to sustain family life , to make childhood secure and to love one another . Finally , he wants to learn us how to deal with the children’s innocence and to give them hope for living peacefully . 4- “Melodies on the String of Rubaaba’’ 5- a- disappear b- simple 6- smoke Q6: A & B : Student’s own answer Teacher of English العبيدي الانيق In the name of God . 6th Class The typical answers of Mid-Year questions 23rd Jan , 2014 العبيدي الانيق . 1st attempt preparatory school for Boys & Girls Time : 2 Hours Literary Study Q1- 1- the fire broke out in some office in High Street . 2- The fire brigade controlled the fire . 3- visitor 4- injured 5- He was taken to hospital . 6-The visitor probably dropped the burning match into a waste paper basket . Q2- 1-Mustafa tried to wake his mother by shaking her and calling . 2- It works by sending radio waves towards a car . 3- a degree in Arabic at the university of London then a nine- month postgraduate course in conference interpreting . 4- diabetes 5- fals 6- false Q3.A : 1- I’ve studied hard for the test , So I should pass . 2- The wind made the leaves fall . 3- I asked him if he knew . 4-I’ll turned it down in a minute . 5- Doctors aren’t as expensive as they used to be . 6- I wish I hadn’t eaten three bars of chocolate . Q3.B: 1- needn’t 2- moved 3- boring 4- much 5- had 6- careful . Q3.C: 1-I’ll stay here with the bags if you wants . 2- Can you give me an orange soda , please ? 3- Would you put your bag on the conveyor belt , please ? 4- Shall we take a taxi to the airport ? 5- You should always have your bag with you . 6- Would you like a cup of tea ? Q3.D: 1- were 2- didn’t use to 3- we were making 4- found 5- will you accept it ? 6- had left Q4.A : 1- dizzy 2- architect 3- install 4- canteen 5- broken 6- course Q4.B: 1-d 2- e 3- b 4- f 5- a 6- c Q4.C : 1- immoral 2- frequent 3- more violent 4- spent 5- speed limit 6- knee Q5 : 1- Imagination and simile are the best ways for Sattar to inform the little girl and her family that his friend Ali has left for ever , thought he left honourably . So he tries to convince the little girl that her father is like smoke and she can see him only when she closes her eyes . 2- a loaf of bread 3- the Sultan Al Owais’s Award in the United Arab Emirate in 2004 and the Gold Pen Award from the General of Iraqi Writers in 2008 . 4- It stresses that war destroys everything . It leads to nothing but death , deprivation and destruction. 5- a- swing b- disapproval 6- Mohammed Khudhair wrote his best short stories “The Swing’’ which is about war against Israel . Q6: A & B : Student’s own answer Teachers of English العبيدي الانيق
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 07:47:26 +0000

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