Kwikode – the new freelance marketplace for quality - TopicsExpress


Kwikode – the new freelance marketplace for quality designers Are you struggling to get work in your current freelance marketplace? Are other designers constantly under bidding you to the point where it is not worth your time to take on a project? Welcome to the world of online freelancing. With companies like Freelancer listing on the stock market it’s no secret that the industry is booming. Competition is fierce in these marketplaces and most jobs seem to get dozens, even hundreds of bids as soon as they’re listed. But is the rising competition the main issue freelancers are facing today? Well yes; but it is more than that. Competition when administered correctly can be a positive driver within a marketplace. Unfortunately what we see these days are marketplaces filling up with inexperienced freelancers trying to make a quick buck and consequently cheapening the value of reputable freelancers and tarnishing the community as a whole. Now a lot of buyers use online freelancers due to the low cost they can get their projects done for. But with this huge range of freelancers and skill sets available, bids are getting lower and lower just to be in the running for any project. This sounds like a great opportunity for buyers but realistically the freelancer that drastically under bids struggles to deliver a high quality product. Underbidding freelancers are forced to stretch themselves thin across multiple projects (that have also most likely been won through under bidding). This often results in usually being a low quality product and a frustrated buyer. What is Kwikode? Currently in pre-launch, Kwikode is a new and exciting marketplace that will strive to address the skills gap of its freelancers to give buyers the reassurance that their projects will always be high quality and make sure that designers like you do not have to compete with incompetent and under bidding members. How do we plan to do this? Kwikode’s business strategy will primarily focus on freelancer quality and exclusivity. We want our freelancers to be aboutquality not quantity. That’s why we are introducing a freelancer vetting process. Although Kwikode will be open for anyone to sign up, only those who pass Kwikode’s vetting and verification system will become members. This will ensure that we are not only building a marketplace, but more importantly a community of quality freelancers that won’t have to undersell themselves to remain competitive. Additionally, buyers that come to Kwikode will have the peace of mind that they are dealing exclusively with experienced professionals and will be happy to pay more knowing they are guaranteed quality service every time. Over time we plan to become the benchmark for reputable and professional freelancers online. What else can you expect…? While our main focus is on administering and promoting a highly skilled community of freelancers, we are also focusing on a number of other aspects to provide our users with the best possible experience to connect and work effectively. An intuitive interface is high on our priority list. We have analysed a number of the major freelance marketplaces out there and find them to be too cluttered with unnecessary features and as a result difficult to navigate. Navigation and ease of use are very important to us and we believe that is what users really need. We want to ensure that all important user information is transparent and easy to find; Everything from fees to the signup process, not hidden away almost impossible to find. While promoting a simplistic and effective environment we also want to ensure that we include useful features that our members will actually benefit from. Some of these features include member real-time statuses, time zones, instant account switching, secure messaging, and milestones to name a few. Lastly we are really putting a lot of time into ensuring that our processes and workflows are intuitive, secure and reliable, from project listing to portfolio creation and from setting payment milestones to withdrawing your funds. Becoming part of our community! Kwikode is currently going through Alpha testing. But those users that sign-up to Kwikode’s mailing list will receive regular updates and have a chance to be the first users of Kwikode when we launch our closed beta early next year. Feel free to shoot us an email or comment on our devblog at kwikode if you have any questions, queries or suggestions. Help us build the community you want to be part of! hackersit
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 04:33:49 +0000

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