Kyani for Diabetes Lora Thomas Hawaii, USA I found myself - TopicsExpress


Kyani for Diabetes Lora Thomas Hawaii, USA I found myself run-down and not feeling very well. I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2001 and have struggled with my health ever since. My father passed away at the age of 56 due to diabetes-related complications. I knew that if I could not get my blood sugar under control my future wouldn’t be bright. I was also concerned for the future of my children if they didn’t stay thin and healthy. I was introduced to Kyäni in February 2009 and attended a local meeting. I heard many testimonies that night that touched me and brought to mind the many loved ones that I knew could benefit from the Kyäni products. I couldn’t wait to get started! That night I went home and couldn’t sleep due to the excitement of the meeting. I kept thinking of all my friends and family that had been struggling both health-wise and financially due to the current economic situation. I had flown many friends and family here to visit over the years and have always wanted for them to have what Tim and I have had. A Bible verse kept coming to my mind: “If you teach a man to fish… My family and I immediately got started on the products. In four days, I started feeling better; by the second week I felt fantastic. In 30 days I dropped ten pounds. My housecleaner said to me “You really feel good now, don’t you?” as she noticed my increased activity around the house. Thirty days after taking Kyäni my daughter has happily lost eleven pounds and her complexion is beautiful. My husband lost seven pounds and loves Nitro FX. He is currently training for the 40-mile canoe race off Molokai and has noticed a remarkable difference in his paddling and recovery time. My son lifts weight without the soreness and has remarkably clearer complexion also. We all sleep through the night and our kids seem happier and healthier. In March, I flew to California and shared the products and opportunity with my friends and family. Since then, my brother’s cholesterol and diabetes medications have been reduced by half, while my mother’s blood pressure has come down dramatically. It has been 60 days since my first meeting. I have heard countless testimonies that continue to bring tears to my eyes. I cannot describe to you the feeling I get when customers and distributors call me with results from our products. I find sharing Kyäni is very much like sharing my faith. If I had one word to describe Kyäni, that would be hope. Kyäni gives hope to people to have a quality of life they have never dreamed possible—whether it be hope in good health, hope in financial freedom, or hope in longer life, Kyäni will surely give hope. So my advice to anyone is get on the products, share the hope, and then experience the joy! Joe Lopez USA Hello, my name is Joe Lopez. I was first introduced to the Kyani products by my son about 8 months ago. I was somewhat skeptical to be honest, but all of the success stories just sounded too promising so I decided to give it a try for a couple of months. I bought the triangle pack to make sure I felt the benefits of all 3 products. For many years I have suffered from type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and an unbearable sciatic nerve pain in my lower back. I could hardly walk a block and I wasnt able to sit in a car for very long. I saw a pain specialist and he put me through a series of steroid shots that relieved the pain. But the relief was only temporary and I wasnt really comfortable with any needles in my back. After a month or so on Kyani, my pain was almost completely gone and I was walking up to 2 miles. Since Ive been on the products, my cholesterol went down, my blood pressure went from 170/95 to 135/78, and my blood sugars have come down over 100 points. I am so happy that I was introduced to Kyani and have referred many friends and family to these amazing products. Joe Lopez USA
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 03:07:52 +0000

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