Kyle Roberts, & Josh de Keijzer, Hi Josh, I sincerely apologize - TopicsExpress


Kyle Roberts, & Josh de Keijzer, Hi Josh, I sincerely apologize for the super delayed response concerning the last dialogue between Kyle and myself (the one you decided to include your yourself into the discussion). I’ve only had limited, library access to a computer that didn’t supply spell-check so I definitely didn’t want to attempt a response from there with little time and without spell check (as you know I often have a hard time spelling Troy). To make this as brief as possible, you asked several questions about the dialogue concerning Kyle’s integrity and genuine concern about his post, which, was a post in which he used an article about the B-attitudes that he applied to the current situation in Ferguson. I won’t be able to reference exactly what Kyle said, or what the article said, being that I’m no longer on his FB tread, which I totally regret that either of us would have capitulated to bitterness to the point of ending all discussions. However, with the use of strong and passionate opinions I can honestly say that I understand, to say the least. I’ll always hold him in high esteem nonetheless! Josh you asked several questions that I felt had little to do with the conversation at hand, furthermore, when I did re-read what I wrote, I honestly felt that I expressed myself quite clearly and there was no further need for explanation. However, there was one comment that I felt misunderstood; when you said, “you mean to tell me that because Kyle doesn’t live in the black community he can’t understand their experience?” Again, I don’t have access to your actual comments so I’m paraphrasing, but I would like to make myself clear here. Kyle used one (if not all) of the B-attitudes to be applied to the “people” of Ferguson, implying that “evangelicals” have always had it wrong when, applied ‘meek in spirit,’ or ‘humble in heart,’ or ‘blessed are the poor,’ (Luke’s version); to anyone who is like this “in-spirit” but not simply physically, or oppressed! So my comments, “how can you say this when you never lived amongst them, lived in constant want and need?” My point was this, “all people” are not blessed based upon the color of their skin!! As Theologians, you and Kyle are DEAD WRONG! I’ve been in episodes similar to Ferguson (in fact I’ve been the instigator of a few) and I can assure you my friend, even though many of us were black, we were not raising hell because of “systematic-oppression, or white-privilege” that you and Kyle so adamantly boast about! BUT, how in the hell can either of you know that from the comfort of your libraries where you simply do “research.” Are you kidding me? NEWS FLASH- there’s black folks who are wicked, humble, and righteous, just as there are Irish folks who are wicked, humble, and righteous; there’s no exception for the black race! The problem, you’ve both become so extreme on persecuting Evangelicalism, that you have literally overstepped clear Biblical logic that applies to all human beings under the unfortunate choice that Adam made which in essence made us “all” victims of the same sin. I’m embarrassed that I have to remind two Phd Theologians that and I’m but a humble MAT. Your guys’ approach towards what you call “progressive-theology/ministry,” is malevolent and vindictive. Towards who, towards white people, or the white race at large. Both you and Kyle seem to want other whites to recognize their white privilege and somehow apologize or feel some sense of shame for their birth rite. Making someone feel ashamed for being born white isn’t a step towards racial reconciliation; rather it’s a step towards retardation! No one asks where, or whom to be begotten. The person born to the cast-system didn’t ask to be born there just as the person born in Beverly Hills didn’t request to be born there either. Causing a man or woman to feel a deep sense a shame for their natural birth isn’t Christ like, and it’s not Biblical. I personally (as an African American) don’t want white people to pay for some of the atrocities that some of their people committed on humanity, rather, I hope they will be forgiven just as I hope I’ll be forgiven for many of my own crimes committed against humanity. I don’t want white folk to get to heaven and have less than me simply because of skin color, if so, the gospel of “equality” would be nullified. (and yes, it was I who quoted, “the last will be first and the 1st will be last.”). Josh, if you and Kyle feel the need to exhibit guilt for your “privileged-status,” please, stop promoting it to the rest of your people. All white people don’t need an awaking of guilt simply because you guys did; please stop it! And lastly, Evangelicalism, has led many to Christ, myself included… how many has your rhetoric against Evangelicalism led to Christ? It seems that your specialized theology, often at times, simply leads to an argument which is hard to see any kind of ministry in that! Both you & Kyle may put down Evangelicalism but since when has throwing the baby out with the bath water been wise? I’ve never agreed with all of the Evangelical approach, however, I’ve always kept in mind that that is in fact the road that got me here. If you or Kyle have a better alternative, you’ve both failed to demonstrate it thus far. Thanks, for standing up for Kyle, but I doubt he needed your help. Put plainly, I’m tired of white people being religiously brow-beaten without the ability to stand up for themselves, for the sake of my own people (black people). This is not forward progress, this is reverse discrimination and in the name of Jesus Christ, it needs to stop now!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 02:44:04 +0000

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