L: I am the worlds greatest detective. Im not trying to seem - TopicsExpress


L: I am the worlds greatest detective. Im not trying to seem arrogant.. But I did not get that title by sitting on my ass and doing nothing. I got it through hard work and determination. I have never been wrong on a case with any of my leads or hypothesis. Im telling you Light, I know you are Kira. It does not matter how many times you argue and claim that you are not. I will get the proof and you will be prosecuted. Light: Okay Ryuzaki.. Lets say I admit it. Youd have a confession and Id go to jail. However, lets assume I do have that power of transferring this gift of murder. I escape and continue the madness. You lose. L: This is where you are mistaken. You will not just go to jail, you will be executed. Light: Okay okay. But whose to say the power wouldnt be transferred before hand. L: Are you implying that Kira can never be truly caught? Light: Im just saying its a possibility. Dont get me wrong Ryuzaki, I want justice to be served on him, but Kira does seem like the guy that is trying to write the wrong. Maybe he doesnt know that what he is doing is bad. He is killing murderers after all. L: ...... That doesnt give him the right to decide whether or not someone should live or die. By the point you just stated, hes killing people that do wrong in the world. He might as well kill a five year old for taking a candy bar at the check out counter. Light: Thats completely different. L: Is it? No, I dont think so. Its the same thing as a twenty five year old breaking into an elderly ladys home and stealing her television. Light: But a five year old is naive. L: Sure, on first glance. But are you implying that that child doesnt know that they are taking candy? Sure they do. They know that what they are taking is tasty and that they want it. Its the same thing as the man stealing from the woman. The only difference, hes older and knows the value of a television is much more then that of a candy bar. He wants it. He takes it. Light: Yes but the child isnt doing it to sell it.. They dont know right from wrong at that age. L: If Kira really was this so called justice hes claiming to be, that five year old could grow up to be a murderer. All from stealing one little candy bar as a child. Sure, its insignificant.. But if he can get away with that, surely he could get way with more, say stealing a television at the age of twenty five. He should just nip it in the butt before it advances. Light: Fine, but are you forgetting there is a rule in the Death Note that states that you cant write the name of someone that young. It wouldnt work even if that was his goal, to rid all evil. L: -sighs- Light, Im not saying that Kira would kill that five year old. You are missing my point. You got defensive when I mentioned the child, claiming that it was naive and basically didnt know any better. Im assuming you are saying it is utterly wrong to murder a child. I can completely agree. However, Im merely stating that Kira does not have the right to chose whether someone lives or dies. Light: But he is only killing the people that have done wrong! L: .... Are you saying you agree with Kiras ways Light? Light: ... Im just saying that hes not willingly murdering people. Hes doing it with a filter or sorts.. The peoples whose names he writes downs have to meet certain criteria. L: He /is/ willingly doing this. He is the one writing the names down. He could easily not write in the book but hes choosing too. Meaning he is murdering, filter or not Light. Light: .... L: Youre getting more defensive everyday. Light, you will get prosecuted. Light: Im not Kira L: Keep telling yourself that. // This conversation has been going on in my head.. I needed to write it down. So yep. Here it is.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 18:16:21 +0000

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