L-ISKANDLU TAĊ-ĊITTADINANZA JASAL SAL-KUMMISSJONI EWROPEA MEP Roberta Metsola brings Brussels in on cash-for-passports scandal Member of the European Parliament for Malta Roberta Metsola has submitted an official Parliamentary Question to the European Commission questioning whether the amendments to the Citizenship Act pushed through Parliament yesterday are in line with European rules and the spirit of European Treaties. I understand that the issue is one of national competence, however this new law creates a concept of hundreds of secret citizens which will lead to a different level of citizenship in Malta and the European Union. This goes contrary to the spirit of what it means to be a citizen of Europe said MEP Metsola. The concept of secret citizens raises a number of questions particularly as the Treaty on the European Union makes it clear that decision must be taken as openly as possible, added MEP Metsola. MEP Metsola asked for clarification on international media reports that stated that when Montenegro - as an EU candidate country - attempted a similar scheme, EU officials reportedly warned that if it proceeds with such a passports scheme, its citizens may lose their right to visa-free travel in the Schengen zone. MEP Metsola asked for reassurance that Maltese citizens would not face any such restrictions due to this scheme. MEP Metsola also asked about the implications of such a scheme on the fight against organised crime, money laundering and terrorism at an EU level and asked the Commission to clarify whether it was concerned that schemes that sell Maltese, which automatically grants EU citizenship, could be abused of by crime networks. I am disappointed that the Government has once again run roughshod over public opinion and near total opposition but I am sadly not surprised. This scheme is evidence that the Government has already lost sight of the bigger picture and is simply interested in earning a quick buck to help prop up its election budget. As was said in the Parliamentary debate, it knows the price of our identity but the value of nothing said MEP Metsola. The European Commission is expected to give its reply in writing within the next weeks.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 12:45:35 +0000

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