L. Krishnaswamy Bharathi, from Tamilnadu, was against making Hindi - TopicsExpress


L. Krishnaswamy Bharathi, from Tamilnadu, was against making Hindi the official language of India but he voted for the constitution to obey the Congress Party dictate. He regretted it later and wrote against Hindi imposition in later years. This is what he had to say in the 1960s: In this country (India) of continental size with 13 different main territorial languages, no single language needs to be considered essential for all the 44 crores of people, nor is it practical or feasible. [44 crores = 440 million] It is true that for administration of the Union Government (Indian Central Government) we want a language. Whereas the Hindi-speaking group wants Hindi to be the official language of India, the non-Hindi group opposes it because we do not wish to give a superior status to what is admittedly only a regional language. To allow Hindi to sit on the throne in Delhi as sole monarch is patently discriminatory and will have the effect of reducing the non-Hindi people to second-rate citizens. The very fact that Hindi is there in the constitution as the official language of India is enough imposition; to say that no one is imposing it on others has no meaning whatever. That they are going slow with Hindi is no consolation.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 01:44:57 +0000

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